Tuesday, December 31, 2019
My First Year At Morgan State University Essay - 926 Words
As a new student, I understand that I will be exposed to many new experiences, opportunities, and challenges during my first year here at Morgan State University. During this journey, it it important for me to understand â€Å"where i am coming from in order to know where I’m going.†1. I like learning, specially if it involves anything in the medical field. I like dressing up. I like getting money. I like scary movies. I like running track and working out. I like being around people that either has the same grind as me or understand me as a person. I like being rewarded and recognized of my good work and accomplishments. I like being an â€Å"overachiever†. I like chicken of all sorts. 2. I don’t like reading boring books. I don’t like when a teacher , or anyone in general, to penalize everyone just for a few people’s behavior or actions. I don’t like failing. I don t like not being able to win at anything I do. I don’t like change. I don t like feeling alone or worthless. I don’t like the creme filling inside of an oreo cookie. 3. The things i would like to improve upon is my way of taking up for myself. It doesn t take much for me to let someone into persuading me to do something unless I absolutely don t want to do it. I would like to improve my time management because I hate being bored but i also hate being overwhelmed with work and end up just not doing it. I need to stop procrastinating and get things done. I need to save money more instead of saving it then spending itShow MoreRelatedA Dream Jobs And Potential Career Opportunities1639 Words  | 7 Pagesand potential career opportunities I came across an internship at the highly acclaimed Morgan Stanley. This would be a dream job of mine to work in one of the largest business firms across the globe with multiple locations in numerous counties. Morgan Stanley offers an extensive number of internships one of these being a Summer Analyst in the finance sector of the firm. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Is Data Breaching A Cyber Security Essay - 1682 Words
In today’s society, data breaching has become extremely common within the corporate world especially considering the advances that are constantly being made in technology. Data breaching is an incident that occurs where a company or corporation is being hacked by an attacker illegally, ultimately exposing confidential information the company holds into the hands of the hacker. This confidential information could be anything from credit card numbers to social security numbers, which is very dangerous if exposed to the wrong people wanting to obtain this information. If information such as a credit card number is exposed to a hacker, the hacker can use this number to use the credit card and purchase items illegally. Likewise, if a hacker were to find someone’s social security number, they could commit identity theft and this is very dangerous as well. It is crucial for large credit companies like Chase and Citi bank to have highly skilled cyber security teams in order to protect from any hackers and information breaches at all times. People that try to hack into a companies confidential data most commonly attempt to do so by hacking into the companies network. If the breach is successful, a company has to take new security measures and cut off all credit cards numbers so no one can use the information and as a result can cause plenty of confusion and wreak havoc within the company. The negative outcome of a successful data breach could cost a company’s reputation as well asShow MoreRelatedEssay On Data Breaching834 Words  | 4 Pagesthat there was an act of data breaching involved in the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (Daitch 2017). This tool is used when college students are attentively trying to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Not until March 2017, is when federal officials observed what was actually going on and took down the tool. In this case of data breaching, it was said that identity thieves pulled personal i nformation outside of the tax system to steal additional data (2017). It’s already a headacheRead MoreCyber Attack And Cyber Attacks Essay1656 Words  | 7 Pageslike a terror attack and this is the cyber-attack and threats. Cyber-attacks can be responsible for large mass destructions by making all systems connected to cyber networks fail to work (Rhodes 20). An example is the Morris worm that affected the world cyber infrastructures and caused them to slow down to a position of being impractical. Therefore, as a result of these cyber-attacks resources are being established and designed to help counter the attacks. Cyber threat simulation is one of the resourcesRead MoreEquifax Breach And The Breaching Of The Democratic Party During The 2016 Presidential Election1446 Words  | 6 Pages The issue of strong cybersecurity efforts in the United States has been especially topical in 2017, and on the rise over the last few years. The Equifax breach and the breaching of the Democratic Party during the 2016 Presidential Election are recent examples that are bringing up the conversation of cybersecurity and make citizens curious of whether or not the United States government has plans in place to deter these events from happening. People are already worried about the damages these attacksRead MoreInformation Security Breaches And Attacks949 Words  | 4 PagesInformation security breaches and attacks are aiming businesses every now and then. Any company that is connected to the internet has some information security risks. 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Cyber security main function is to guard computers, networks, programs and data from unintended
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Comparative Free Essays
Though we are all equipped with the ability of loving someone, but the flow of love we let out is different from one to another. Besides, we can also clearly observe a world of different ways of love between couples, husbands and wives, or even mothers and children. For example, in the poem, â€Å"Leaving the Motel†, are two secret lovers sharing their love after an afternoon sexual encounter, while in †After Making Love We Hear Footsteps†, the presence of the couple’s child perfect the family love. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparative or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thus, different poet will interpret the same topic distinctly. Reading through these two poems, the very first difference that I observe is the tone used in the poem. In â€Å"Leaving the Motel†, everything seems to go so fast, and the speaker keeps looking from here to there carefully and sprightly. Besides, the large uses of enjambment indicates that the actions shouldn’t include any pauses and must be done all the way until everything is in the right position, such as the following lines quoted below, Check: is the second bed Unreeled, as agreed? Landlords have to think ahead In case of need, (lines 5-8) Beside the enjambments used in lines, find out that author ingeniously utilized the enjambment between paragraphs such as paragraph 5 to paragraph 6: We’ve paid. Still, should such things get lonely, An aspirin to preserve Our lilacs, the wayside flowers (lines 19-22) Leave in their vase And from above, it’s dawn on me that though they eager to express the true feelings in their minds, they failed to do so. As the tone shift, the word â€Å"still†in line 19 and the truth that â€Å"A few more hours; / That’s all†(lines 24-25) reveals nothing could actually last. This kind of erotic love contained not only worrying but also guilt, because the love can’t be preserved as long as possible and can’t be confirmed under the sun. This tone is much different with the other poem, â€Å"After Making Love We heard Footsteps†. At the beginning of the first stanza, For I can snore like a bullhorn or play loud music or sit up talking with any reasonably sober Irishman (lines 1-3) these lines portray a lighthearted tone. Later author put down the sweet sex of the couple, describing the sounds of the progress in lines 6 and 7, â€Å"but let there e that heavy breathing / or a stifled come-cry anywhere in the house†. In contrast with the brisk and short tone in â€Å"Leaving the Motel†, it is rather meticulous and enthusiastic. Likewise, the tones secretly shift as the third person shows up, the emergence of a little boy. At first, consider the image of boys insecurity in such a big house would be a bad interruption in a negative light, as the boy leaves a question, â€Å"Are you loving and snuggling? May join? †(line 16) But I am utterly wrong as the tone showing me the love the parents hold for their child. In second stanza, which I considered the most touching and convincing one, when speaker said, â€Å"this one whom habit of memory propels to the ground of his making (line 22) and this blessing love gives again into our arms. †(line 24), they pick up the meaning of sex and it is through the progress that their child came to the family. Hence, the word â€Å"love†in line 24 carries two meanings. One is sex of love and the other is the child of love. Except the tone and internal form, we may also find details about the poems. How to cite Comparative, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Analysis of A Jury of Her Peers free essay sample
This story is given through the perspective of two females which helps to portray the views of the writer. Throughout this story we are given background on Minnie but also given insight on how her life is now, and with this left to decide if she is guilty of the crime that was committed. While Minnie is the main focus of the story we are able to see the theme played out through two of the other characters, and also through a conflict of a decision that these women must make. The main theme of â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†is that of sisterhood, women standing up for each other no matter the situation. Throughout the beginning of the story Mrs. Hale is put in a situation where she can relate to Minnie, not of the anger or of the neglect, but of her house the way it was left, and being looked down upon for that. Soon after leaving her house and arriving at the scene of the crime she is troubled by knowing how close Minnie was and that she had never reached out or visited her in over a year, and can’t help to think if she would have visited what might have been different. As the story continues Mrs. Hale is reminded of what a sweet girl Minnie was, how she used to sing so beautifully in the choir, and elegant and well-dressed she used to be (Glaspell 154). From just these first few moments in the story Mrs. Hale is shown feeling pity for Minnie and remembering her as a nice girl who should be looked at as innocent. As the story continues to look into the character of Mrs. Hale she is seen relating her own life to Minnie’s and how hard it must have been for her to not to have any children and a husband that is not the caring type, but also so far away from anyone else. Again the remorse for Minnie is shown when Mrs. Hale sees her fruit ruined (153) and the patch of quilt that is so undone (156) and one can start to realize that Mrs. Hale is putting herself in Minnie’s place. Towards the end of the story the bird is found dead wrapped up in a box after being strangled (159); revealing that Minnie had killed her husband. Instead of taking this evidence to the men who would feel no pity for Minnie, Mrs. Hale takes the box and hides it in her coat (162) showing how she is caring for and standing up for Minnie. As this is shown through the whole story Mrs. Hale is willing to hide the evidence so that the bigger picture of women’s unity is able to be shown. Another character that helps to reveal the theme of this story is Mrs. Peters who is the sheriff’s wife and is referred to as being married to the law (161). As the story begins she is portrayed as a small woman that is quiet. While the story continues she starts to come out of her shell and like Mrs. Hale relate to Minnie, with all the work that needs to be done and the stress of being a woman. It is shown through her willingness to first take in some quilts for Minnie (158) but also by her curiosity of the bird cage (157) and what may have happened to Minnie’s only friend. In part this shows compassion for Minnie and shows Mrs. Peter’s opening up into her own person that is able to think on her own. The theme continues to be shown through Mrs. Peter’s character after the dead bird is found and she decides to keep it hidden from her husband and the attorney (161). Then the final showing of her caring and standing by Minnie is when she allows Mrs. Hale to have the box and hide it showing that the two women were never going to speak of this bird again, but also that she was willing to go behind her husband’s back so that Minnie had a better chance of being set free (162). This shows the care she has for another woman even though she has never even met her it is important that these women stay together throughout life and look out for one another. Again the theme is shown throughout this story in a conflict. The whole story is based upon a conflict of what happened and who had killed Mr. Wright, but the real conflict lies with the two ladies that came to the house. What would they do when faced with the decision of standing up for a fellow woman which struggles they could relate to or give up the evidence that would lock her away for good. When the story begins it is shown that neither of these woman have deep connections with Minnie one only knows her from when she was a child while the other not at all. From this it can be seen that the women originally are terrified by what has happened but do not truly want to be involved. Continuing along however the similarities of these women’s lives with Minnie’s are shown, and the caring for another women or the protection for her is brought out in their decision to hold the evidence that would prove her guilty so that she is able to hopefully be free. Lastly, the mood should be recognized as a huge part of showing the theme of this story. From the beginning it is a very dreary mood that is tied to the death of Mr. Wright but as the story continues we are able to see the mood change over to caring and compassionate due to the women relating their lives to Minnie’s. Towards the end of the story the mood is shown as more of calm or peaceful because the women are able to come to the conclusion of hiding the evidence to save Minnie. The overall theme is able to be shown as sisterhood, or the women willing to stand up for one another no matter what the circumstances. Through these two characters we are able to see their caring nature for another women and the sympathy they put towards her. Also through the conflict that arises in whether to show the evidence they found and their final decision in that helps to display the theme to the readers. Finally through the mood of this story the theme is portrayed in the women coming together to make a decision that helps to lighten the mood. This story gives a great depiction of the coming together of women and the care they have for each other.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Nihilist Girl free essay sample
This paper reviews the many different themes presented in Sofya Kovalesvskaias semi-autobiographical book, Nihilist Girl. This paper examines the illustrative story, Nihilist Girl, written by Sofya Kovalevskaia. It contains many references that indicate to the reader that it is both an autobiographical and fictional account of her life in Russia. The paper details how many different events and people helped influence and shape her life. Some of the different topics discussed include conflict between tradition and modernity in society, the role of women in society, rebellion, the nihilist movement and the influences of different family members in her life decisions. If we look to the life of Sofia Vasilevna Kovalevskaya the work may have been a self exorcism, to let the story communicate a message that she did not feel free to preach. In her own life she accepted the boundaries that were placed on her in terms of social norms and the way she should give the appearance of conforming to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Nihilist Girl or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her sister was a major influence, introducing her to many in the Nihilist movement, and as such we may see the reason for the protagonist being abased on her sister. It was also with her sister that the first plot to try and gain an education was hatched. Sofya would try and act as a companion to her sister should her sister be able to find a husband and travel.
Monday, November 25, 2019
A Guide to Writing a Political Science Term Paper
A Guide to Writing a Political Science Term Paper What is a Term Paper? In approaching political science term paper writing, it is essential to consider its peculiar features, which make it different from other types of written works. Term paper implies writing on a specific topic, which a student studied profoundly during the term in the educational institution. Therefore, this paper depicts the extent of awareness with the subject, which students reviewed earlier. The primary purpose of a term paper is to evaluate the student’s knowledge of a particular topic; however, it should not be restricted by the materials which the student learned in the context of classes. Apart from testing the quality of knowledge, writing this essay also focuses on recognizing strong analytical skills. Thus, it is essential to consider particular features to write a well-researched, structured, and profoundly analyzed report. The Significance of the Course of Political Science The study of political science broadens one’s intellectual horizons, as well as creates political consciousness among the citizens. Knowing the norms and principles of political science contributes to the development of a country in general. Aristotle referred to this field of knowledge as the ‘supreme science’ on account of its visualization of liberty and equality and projecting the political system of a specific country. Therefore, this course assists learners in conducting business and provides a better understanding of how politics and life are interconnected. What Are the Principal Features of a Political Science Term Paper? A political science term paper covers the analysis of political activities and aims at creating a background of current events. There are particular characteristics of a term paper, which have a principal value in political science: Clarity of the expression. Unnecessary details should not be mentioned in the text, and writing should explicitly identify the main purpose of each paragraph. The paper ought to be persuasive. The peculiarity of the political science term paper requires specific data and measurements to be present. Cogent arguments are essential to support every opinion in the paper. Political science paper strictly requires support for every point given. Choosing a Topic The initial step in writing a term paper is deciding on a political science topic, which would be interesting for a student. If there is an opportunity to choose an issue, it is highly recommended to select an appealing one. It is crucial to deliberately consider the essence of a chosen topic while writing a political science paper. It is advisable to take a current theme which has an international character. Also, the problem should be preferably dedicated to the way different countries handle conflicts or approach political issues. Moreover, one should consider the width of the range of topics, which are related to political science. Some of the possible areas that political science frequently covers are education, immigration, health-care, public relations, economics, and governance. Thus, to come up with the idea of a topic, one has to choose a preferable field of knowledge, which is connected firmly to political science in general. Ideas from Our Writers for a Political Science Term Paper: Discrimination in United States Politics; Presidential Elections; Models of Democracy in the World; National Socialism and Fascism; The Notion of Liberalism; The Effects of Globalism; Politics and G Basing on the outlined topics, one can narrow them down and chose a specific subject, for instance: The Influence of Stereotypes Between Americans and African-Americans on the United States Politics; The Role of Imposing Reproductive Rights by the Supreme Court; The North American Free Trade Agreement: The Effects on the United States; Anti-Globalization Movement as the Revolt Against Globalization; General Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Term Paper Topic: The chosen topic should revolve around a specific issue. Thus, although writing a paper about a general topic appears to be uncomplicated at first, there is a high risk of losing the main idea of a term paper. Therefore, focusing on a narrow realm is favorable. Deciding on a topic which is not directly related to the program. As working on a term paper estimates the knowledge that a student obtained during the semester, it is highly recommended to stick to the course. Choosing a topic which cannot be supported by evidence and common knowledge. For instance, sometimes, students might select a subject and support it with little or no evidence. It is not sufficient to accompany the paper only with personal opinions and evidence. Stating a clear research question provides a relevant subject for a term paper. Thus, the next step is selecting keywords for the topic and expanding it. Collecting the Data and Making Notes After the student has selected a topic and figured out the foundation, it is essential to collect appropriate data. It is necessary to conduct a profound literature review, provided that the sources are credible and reliable. Reviewing implies reading and analyzing works written before making own research. This step is obligatory and cannot be excluded from the writing process on account of the need to indicate how particular findings contributed to the paper. Otherwise, there will be no grounds for presenting personal research results. For instance, encyclopedias and books usually provide comprehensive summaries of particular topics. Additionally, the bibliography at the end of a book is extremely helpful. Some of the acceptable and relevant references are the following: Worldwide Political Science Abstracts; JSTOR Political Science Database Annual Review of Political Science Project MUSE Google Scholar Additionally, it is highly recommended to take notes while researching the topic. Precisely, it would be useful to record every fact and evidence to avoid confusing sources. Creating a Proper Outline With a view to writing a well-structured paper, it is prerequisite to develop an outline of a term paper. Initially, one should draw the attention to the topic by stating clearly why a chosen subject is meaningful. Indeed, creating an outline is especially helpful in writing a logical, coherent paper. Here is an example of a suitable outline for a political science term paper: The appropriate introduction should state the significance of the core question and its relevance. It should contain a thesis statement which provides an overview of the term paper. Theoretical framework. This section supports the core question with an overview of the explanations. Providing arguments and supporting them logically with appropriate examples or cases. The student ought to divide this section into a minimum of three paragraphs, each of them needs to represent a particular argument and support it with quantitative or textual data. Concluding the term paper. This section implies returning to the core question and restating the main ideas, highlighted in each body paragraph. One should note that while writing a political science term paper, it is recommended to interpret some of the possible implications of a problem or solutions. Creating Appropriate Thesis Statement The thesis statement provides a reader with a particular argument and accompanies it by the indication of why this argument is persuasive. A couple of suggestions for writing a thesis are outlined beyond: It must demonstrate a specific claim and focus on a delimited field; A thesis statement should be non-trivial; It should be contestable, which means that the writer does not need to prove obvious information; The statement needs to be accurate and specific; It should not be hidden in the middle of the introduction. Here is an example of a wrong thesis statement: ‘The Supreme Court violates political sovereignty’ or ‘Social media affects the political situation in the United States.’ These examples are irrelevant on account of the vagueness of the message they intend to deliver. Defined thesis statements are inappropriate due to the absence of the central message and the author’s opinion. Here are the examples of an appropriate thesis statement: ‘Revolutions frequently arise when conditions and circumstances in a particular country improve after a long period of deprivation’, or ‘Although there are many possible causes of the World War I escalation, the primary reasons that led to it were a splash in the development of technology and the strong sense of nationalism’. For instance, the central message is clearly outlined in the latter example, as it points out the two primary reasons that led to World War I escalation technology and nationalism. It captures the prevailing idea that a student has on a topic. Writing a Body The body of a political science term paper should not be enriched with metaphors or excessive verbal constructions. Instead, the writing should contain a sufficient number of arguments. This paper requires communicating its arguments with evidence unambiguously. It is fundamental to take into account the importance of revealing all aspects of the topic in a couple of paragraphs. For instance, the topic How does social media affect the political situation? should consist of the following sections: ‘Social media as the primary venue for spreading the political news’, ‘The impact of social media in the voting process’, and ‘General effects that social media has on political participation’. Each of three paragraphs is expected to present a topic sentence, the main idea, and its support with the help of evidence. Additionally, it is recommended to justify the credibility of a source, in particular, if the writer bases his or her arguments on authorit y. The writer has to address both arguments and counter-arguments while writing a political science term paper. The primary purpose of providing a counter-argument is to object to own arguments and to depict a controversy. Writing a Conclusion Although writing an appropriate political science term paper appears as complicated and demanding at first, it does not require a huge effort. Thus, writing a conclusion should be mainly associated with summarizing the points which a student already outlined in the main body. Implications are essential in a political science paper (e.g., implications for governmental policies). Precisely, a typical conclusion for a political science term paper consists of: Summary of the body paragraphs; Evaluation of the current findings; Perspective for future research, which is exceptionally relevant for the political science term paper. Creating the List of References After the paper conclusion was written and the essay was finished, it is essential to keep in mind creating the reference list and in-text citations. For a political science paper, the APSA (American Political Science Association) formatting style is suitable. Even though one can write in the APA formatting style, APSA is preferable for political science. Generating APSA citations via a special tool is convenient. To clarify, the reference list should be made in the following way: Bibliography Adams, Jake. 2001. â€Å"An Article that I Totally Made Up: An exceptionally long title so the entry runs onto multiple lines.†Journal of Fictitious Studies 51(3): 218-247. Gates, Henry L. Jr. 1989. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism. New York: Oxford  University Press. Correcting the Mistakes and Proofreading the Paper Once Again The student should not omit such an essential step as proofreading the paper once again and correcting the mistakes. Taking some time from writing a paper and revising it in one hour, if possible, will assist a writer in reading a paper critically and obtaining an unblurred perspective on the idea in general. One should pay attention to the correct use of language and stick to the academic style. Some helpful political science term paper writing tips for attaching to the appropriate text style are the following: The language of the text in political science paper should be gender-neutral; Do not confuse verb tenses. When referring to a person or an expert, using the present tense is appropriate as the writer summarizes his or her findings; Colloquial expressions and abbreviations are a taboo for political science term papers. Checking the Paper for Plagiarism Plagiarism is severely penalized in most educational institutions on account of the fact that it involves presenting others’ ideas as your own. To avoid plagiarism, each opinion is required to be paraphrased in the writer’s own words. Samples of suitable paraphrasing can be found on the website. Fortunately, several applications can be useful for checking the paper for plagiarism. There are various plagiarism detection tools, such as eTBLAST, PlagTracker, PlagScan, and Grammarly, which are helpful in recognizing accidentally plagiarized content. Moreover, Grammarly is a program which not only detects plagiarized material but also assists in correcting grammar mistakes. It is Crucial to Read the Paper Once Again after Checking it Via Programs In fact, the chance that grammar checkers miss a couple of mistakes, precisely, when it comes to dealing with large amounts of information, still exists. Following this, a student ought to reread his or her term paper to assure the correctness of a composition. The Final Step Submitting Once both plagiarism and grammar mistakes were checked, the writer can submit his or her term paper. Making sure that the writer filled in the required data before delivering the term paper is the last but not the least crucial step in the term paper writing process. Following the outlined recommendations accurately, there will be no difficulty in composing a sufficient political science term paper at all.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Scene book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Scene book - Essay Example Nevertheless, redemption desires emerge in Gaitskill’s protagonist while sex desires are seen as a theme in the Dybek’s protagonist characters. However, combining the two stories as a single unit through creative and critical analysis, negotiation technique is acknowledged as a driving pulse for both stories, even though, the end goals of the characters used by the authors are different (Williford & Martone, P. 232). On a broad front, Dybek’s story creates a visual scene of a first sexual encounter with a teenage boy to build tension as a stirring need to his sexual fulfillment desire. Anxiety is manifested through systematic memories of the teenage boy first sexual encounter. However, pressure remained as a central focus of the story by the arrival of the police investigating the dead of a young pregnant girl although the impulse was significantly changing. Conversely, negotiation appears in twofold generating both arguments and disagreements independently. For the first scenario, a boy and a girl negotiation perspective is used to demonstrate negotiation technique in action while in the second case, negotiation is seen as an internal debate that point out the protagonist anticipation of unfulfilled sexual desires. In simple terms, negotiation technique demonstrates a shifted tension from uncontrolled desire to an acceptance of a situation that Sandra Scofield calls ‘’peaceà ¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ regarded as a sign of the end of a conflict (Williford & Martone, P. 189). In comparison, Gait Skill’s story (â€Å"Tiny, Smiling Daddy†) illustrate a shift of pulse and conflict through the character’s anxiety of her daughter’s self-magazine article contents that touches the main character. However, the interactive negotiation reveals the character’s overall unhappiness and his personal relationship from an immediate conflicting event to internal conflicting
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Medical Data Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Medical Data Security - Research Paper Example INSTRUMENTS Video Analysis Videotaping was done with a closed-circuit cameras of all the visits of the patients of the study physicians which enabled to analyze the actual form and content of interaction through the use of the SEGUE Framework(Set the stage, Elicit information, Give information, Understand patients perspective, End encounter). The focus was maintained on the six of the SEGUE tasks to evaluate the completeness of information elicited by the study physicians which are: attempts to outline patients agenda, exploration of psychological and emotional issues, discussion of how health affects a patients life, checks and clarifying of information, encouragement of patients in asking questions, and ensuring the completeness of the order at the end. The visit lengths were also noted, laboratory tests done the two major variables that could have an effect depending on type of record used. Sample Between June 1997 and February 198 data was collected from 238 clinical encounters h aving six physicians. In 18 cases, there was lack of demographic information about patients and in other cases 16 cases, videotapes were inadequate, yielding complete data for a total of 204 patient visits. Patients The study was conducted within a primary care environment characterized with a wide range of patient and health problems. Almost half (49.5%) out of the 204 patients were females. Patients’ ages ranged from 23 to 91 years with a mean of 46.6 years and a median of 42 years [7]. Even though 15.7% of the patients in the control group had at least a single previous encounter with an EMR physicians, a printout of their electronic record was also attached in the paper chart(hence the control physicians never required the computer) Physicians The ages of the EMR... Comparing with the controlled group, it was observed that the EMR physicians videotaped adopted a more active role in information clarification. This was mainly due to the semi-structured format for data recording, increased information accessibility as well as tool availability that enhance sharing of information with the patients. They were also able to engage the patients to a large extent by encouraging them ask questions and maintaining the encounter to the end. The noted trend indicating that EMR physicians completed more patient-related tasks to a lesser extent as did the control physicians added with the reports that the initial EMR physicians’ visits appeared as having extra time underscores the need for controlled pre/post intervention study on the effects of the EMR on the physician-patient encounter. Despite earlier thoughts that the computer seemed vital, it became clear that EMR physicians could not manage to orient themselves properly as did the other physicians using the paper records. The ability to maintain an eye contact is very important since it helps in gathering of information as well as conveying attention. Recent research has indicated that indirect and less eye contact resulted to less patient disclosure. Positioning of the computers to ensure that the patients too have visibility is important and also designing the offices accommodating the EMR systems to enhance comfortable positioning of the physician, patient as well as the computer in such a way to enhance patient-centered communication behaviors.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Micro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Micro - Essay Example This will raise the price of gasoline and as a result its quantity demanded will also be decreased (as quantity demanded decreases when price increases owing to the law of demand). In this way, the equilibrium quantity of gasoline will reduced to the new level Q’ and equilibrium price will be raised to P’. Price S’ S D Q’ Q Quantity The impact of increase in equilibrium prices of gasoline can be traced to the consumers of gasoline i.e. automobile owners. As far as the Luxury cars are concerned, which are not so fuel-efficient, the owners of Luxury cars will face increase in operational cost of their automobiles. Thus, the increase in price of gasoline will decrease the quantity demanded for gasoline and so will also decrease the demand for Luxury cars – perfect complement for gasoline. Graphically, in the Luxury car market, the demand curve of Luxury cars will shift leftward and now there is lesser demand of Luxury cars at each unit of their prices. Given the supply of Luxury cars, the leftward shift in their demand will decrease the equilibrium quantity of Luxury cars since the decrease in their demand will lead to excess supply of Luxury cars which will put downward pressure on their price and as a result their quantity supplied will also be decreased (as quantity supplied decreases when price decreases owing to the law of supply). In this way, the equilibrium quantity of Luxury cars will be reduced to the new level Q’ and equilibrium price will be decreased to P’. Price S D’ D Q’ Q Quantity The same impact can also be traced to the market of Economy cars which are fuel-efficient. Since the increase in price of gasoline will decrease the demand of Luxury cars, the consumers will tend to switch to the less-expensive alternative – Economy cars. Since Economy cars are the substitutes of Luxury cars, decrease in demand of Luxury cars will increase the demand of Economy cars. Graphically, in the Economy car market, the demand curve of Economy cars will shift rightward and now there is more demand of Economy cars at each unit of their prices. Given the supply of Economy cars, the rightward shift in their demand will increase the equilibrium quantity of Economy cars since the increase in their demand will lead to a situation of ‘excess demand’ of Economy cars which will put upward pressure on their price and as a result their quantity supplied will also be increased (as quantity supplied increases with price). In this way, the equilibrium quantity of Economy cars will be increased to the new level Q’ and equilibrium price will also be increased to P’. Price S D D’ Q. Q’ Quantity Question 2 Price a S b Price Ceiling D QS QD Quantity At the binding price ceiling – which is the maximum price set below the equilibrium price – suppliers can't charge what they had been. Consequently, some suppliers exit the industry and thus s upply is decreased. In this way, there will be inefficiency in the market as it will prevent some sellers from selling their good to buyers who value the good higher than their cost ("Price ceiling" Wikipedia.org). On the other hand, consumers can now buy the product for less, so quantity demanded increases. This will cause a shortage since quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied. Since producer surplus is area above the supply curve and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ethical Concepts in Counselling
Ethical Concepts in Counselling Ethics pertains to beliefs we hold about what constitutes right conduct. They are moral principles adopted by an individual or group to provide rules for right conduct and represent aspirational goals or the maximum standards which are set and enforced by professional associations. The American Counseling Associations (2005) Code of Ethics states that when counselors encounter an ethical dilemma they are expected to carefully consider an ethical decision making process. While counseling a client, the counselor is presented with countless challenges to recognize when and where a specific ethical concept, standard and guideline might be crucial. Ethical standards and guidelines inform our judgment as they help us recognize, think through and find or create path to deal with a dilemma. The way we respond to a dilemma has a great deal to do with our sense of what is valuable and right. In this perspective, the response is seen as being fair and judicious for the client or perhaps is in t he client’s best interest for continued development. When counselors operate from this highly personal and subjective position, they call upon a sense of morality. Morality is concerned with perspectives of right and proper conduct and involves an evaluation of actions on the basis of some broader cultural context or religious standard. Morality serves as a foundation to ethical practice and decision making. To decide ethically is to first decide morally. (Values and Ethics in Counselling: Real –Life Ethical Decision Making, Dana Heller Levit) Values pertains to beliefs and attitudes that provide direction to everyday living. Clients ethical issues becomes a dilemma when they pit ethical, legal or organizational requirements against each other or when the ethical codes become silent on the clients issues. With respect to these , finding occasional inconsistencies among resources are inevitable. As a result, to select a preferred course of action from among the conflicting guidelines, counselors use a decision making model that allows them to weigh the relative importance of the information obtained. A structured method of information collection and review can facilitate the ethical decision making process. The application of this model may help counselors to avoid ethical misconduct and to pursue ethical ideals. The counselor essentially needs to be inquisitive at the beginning phase of an ethical decision making process. The initial step is to identify the problem or the dilemma based ethical, moral and legal dimensions by gathering all relevant information that illuminates the situation. In other words, counselors need to obtain a clear description of the nature of the problem through the usage of effective counseling skills such as reflexive questions. The second step involves a careful evaluation of the most critical issues abstracted from all the information gathered previously. At this point, attempts should be made to review the rights, responsibilities and the welfare of clients and other stakeholders concerned with the dilemma. This review extends to the point of considering the cultural aspects of the situation influencing the clients welfare. Furthermore, the use moral principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and fidelity to address the situation is inevitable here. With regard to autonomy, the counselor should allow clients the right to choose and act according to their preference. Nonmaleficence is a primary concern that emphasizes on refraining from actions that may risk harming clients. An example would be inappropriately labeling clients with diag nostic terms that may denote abnormality, which could pose serious consequences to the welfare of the client. Beneficence is applied when counselors respect clients dignity and promote the welfare of clients. The principle of justice refers to being fair and nondiscriminatory towards clients. Fidelity deals with faithfulness to promises made and to the truth. There lies a problem in upholding fidelity when a counselor works with a minor client and is obligated to be loyal to the client, while the principle of beneficence may suggests that disclosure may be best for the whole family. In such circumstances, when counselors are left between the conflicting principles, they may need to prioritize certain principles over others as required by the situation. The third step is to review the ethical codes that are relevant to the problem situation. Ethical codes prompt, guide and inform significant values and concerns regarding ethical behaviour. Professionals sought the code of ethics and examine the particular sections relevant to the dilemma to consider if they offer possible solutions. At this point, they also consider if their values and ethics are consistent with or are in conflict with the relevant codes. In the event of an inconsistency with a particular standard, counselors seek supervisory guidance and clarify the issues. Upon rectifying the inconsistencies, they produce a rationale to support their position and document their judgment and reasoning to justify their actions to solve the dilemma. The significance of the fourth step involves keeping up to date on the relevant state and federal laws that might apply to ethical dilemmas. In order to do so, the counselor needs to be knowledgeable in the applicable laws and regulations. At the same time, interpreting these legal statutes as according to how they may relate to clients issue becomes a fundamental aspect of the decision making process. This would be pertinent in matters of breaching confidentiality, reporting abuse of the vulnerable , dealing with issues that pose a danger to self or others, parental rights and record keeping. It will also suffice to seek guidance from professional bodies concerning ambiguous ethical or legal situation. After thorough assessment of all ethical, clinical and legal issues pertaining to the dilemma, counselors present their facts of the situation and obtain consultation from professional authorities in the fifth step . This is especially useful when counselors are grappling with an ambiguous ethical issue. As an ethical dilemma can be intellectually overwhelming and emotionally distressing for both the client and the counselor, objective feedback from various reliable sources such as colleagues, supervisors or inter-organizational bodies can provide a wider view of the problem or even a new focus on unconsidered facts. Besides consulting professionals who share the same viewpoints, it may also suffice to seek expertise from cross cultural entities , as required by the nature of the dilemma. With adequate information and guidance at hand, the counselor is now at a position to formulate possible solutions to the dilemma (Frame Williams, 2005). In essence, the sixth step is about contemplating the possible and probable causes of actions. Apparently, it requires an extensive exploration process that would allow counselors to lay out the possible courses of action, while at the same time accounting for the ethical obligations of such actions. As counselors review the possibilities, it may be imperative to involve clients in the exploration process before deciding on the most probable courses of action. This is to ensure that decisions are made to the best interest of the client. As it was done in earlier steps, documenting these discussions and would be helpful for counselors to justify their actions in the event of them being questioned. The seventh step entails the previous one as it informs the counselor to enumerate the consequences of various decisions that were taken after evaluating the possible courses of action. This involves considering the positive and negative consequences of each option while at the same time weighing the relative significance of each option. Clients involvement matters during this analysis to ensure that the decisions gravitate towards the best interest of the client. To achieve this the counselor may employ the five moral principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and fidelity as a framework to consider the consequences of a particular course of action. In the last step of the model the counselor decides on what appears to be the best course of action. After generating the best possible decisions and their outcomes, counselors together with clients and other supervisory consultation, would be select and implement the most appropriate course of actions. Implementation of decisions is followed by assessing the appropriateness of the outcomes of those decisions. The decision making process reaches the fin al phase when the counselor reflects on this assessments and communicates them with clients. However, a follow up may be necessary to determine if the actions taken are effective or if they require a modification. Last but not least, it is essential to document steps taken so as to clarify options, facilitate reasoning and avoid redundant efforts. More importantly, having a documentation is significant if evidence of these efforts are later requested during an investigation. In overall this ethical decision making framework serves as a deliberative and creative approach that guides counseling professionals to fulfill their ethical responsibilities amidst an elusive situation. It assist baffled counselors to think though an ethical dilemma and to arrive at an ethically appropriate decision. Moreover, the framework also helps to prevent ethical violations by enabling counselors to acknowledge the intricacies of ethical decision making as a basis on which competent, ethical and profess ional counseling can be practiced. Despite its useful aspects, the decision making model does falls short in certain areas. In evidence, Corey, Corey and Callanan (1998) indicate this model cannot be applied in an automated or generalized manner, as practitioners often find themselves confronted with a complexity of personal values, social context, as well as a prescriptive professional code. As in the model fails to correspond with this reality or address the level of complexity they confronted. For instance, the general guidelines that states the counselors responsibility to minor clients and to their parents, may provide little help to a counselor who is struggling with an adolescent client who feels alienated from his chaotic family and wants the counselor to keep his violations of curfew and experimentation with alcohol from his parents. The counselor is in a dilemma determining how much material from counseling must be shared with parents and what does that disclosure mean to the progress of the therapy. As it is, the burden of analyzing ethical issues falls squarely on the professional who obviousl y requires critical thinking and intellectual ability that allows careful reasoning to arrive at the best solution. At the same time, reviewing numerous ethical codes and standards in an attempt to abstract those that relate to the dilemma can be a painstaking as well as a time-consuming process. On the other hand, after checking on all ethical and legal obligations, considering the available courses of actions can be again challenging as it may require the clients and the counselors collaborative efforts to speculate all possible options open to them. It may be exhaustive in the sense that it involves an in-depth exploration process where all possible actions and their outcomes have to be thoroughly scrutinized before arriving at a decision. Nevertheless, the ethical decision making model is of much relevance to the current practices of various professional organizations and is widely used by practitioners to find their way out of an ethical dilemma. The following scenario demonstr ates the application of the ethical decision making model. Joe, a 17 year old tells her school counselor, Anne that she was sexually abused by her stepfather and now intends to leave the house to stay with her close friend Mary. Joe also reports that she has not been able to focus in her studies due the trauma caused by the incident and hesitates to tell her mother as it is shameful to do so. In this case, Annes first task is to gather all relevant details of the problem situation such as Joes emotional health, sociocultural background, her current status with the her mother and stepfather and other and other relevant details. Anne also identifies Joes mother, stepfather, Mary and other members of the household as the stakeholders involved in the problem. Anne then attempts to safeguard Joes rights and works in line with the moral principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and fidelity to protect Joes welfare. In Joes case it is highly likely that different princip les may lead to incompatible conclusions. At this point, Joe seeks guidance and evaluates on which principle should take priority over the others. Anne also reviews the relevant ethical codes to check on ethical obligations regarding her actions. For instance, she may evaluate if a disclosing the issue to her mother would compromise Joes welfare. To mitigate this ambiguity, Anne refers to the ethical codes and standards. Then, Anne explores if any legal statutes are relevant to her actions and is careful about not violating them. Subsequently, Anne talks to her supervisor about Joes case to obtain feedback and solicits ideas from her colleague who works with teenagers. With all the information, Anne identifies a number of possible courses of actions. She lists down the potential responses such as encouraging Joe to talk about it to her mother while maintaining confidentiality of Joes case or as another alternative, informing Joe that she (Anne) would like to consult her mother. In J oes presence and with some supervision, Anne then considers the consequences and outcomes of the possible actions and evaluates the most probable options. Upon arriving at a decision which is ethically appropriate, Anne assesses the outcomes of those decisions and reflect on how they will set an impact on Joe. She communicates these to Joe and documents her action for record-keeping. Another case scenario would involve a family whose child has leukemia and the parents are addressing the situation with prayers rather than medical treatment. They have sought Paul for counseling. To begin with, Paul is faced with a dilemma, as he recognizes a serious problem. On one hand, safety and the welfare of the child and on the other, maintaining client confidentiality are two issues of concern. Conclusion: As counseling focuses on important perspectives such as clients needs, hope,risk and expectations to the point where lives can be at stake, counselors need to reason ethically through challenging situations and determine the most appropriate course of action that ultimately is in the best interest of clients. This requires counselors to be aware of professional and personal issues influencing their decisions, especially when considering the potentially profound, harmful ramifications to clients and the counseling profession when sound ethical judgment is not made.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Why Safety Belts? :: Car collisions
Why Safety Belts? To understand the value of safety belt use, it's important to understand some of the dynamics of a crash. Every motor vehicle crash is actually comprised of three collisions. The Car's Collision The first collision is known as the car's collision, which causes the car to buckle and bend as it hits something and comes to an abrupt stop. This occurs in approximately one-tenth of a second. The crushing of the front end absorbs some of the force of the crash and cushions the rest of the car. As a result, the passenger compartment comes to a more gradual stop than the front of the car. The Human Collision The second collision occurs as the car's occupants hit some part of the vehicle. At the moment of impact, unbelted occupants are still travelling at the vehicle's original speed. Just after the vehicle comes to a complete stop, these unbelted occupants will slam into the steering wheel, the windshield, or some other part of the vehicle interior. This is the human collision. Another form of human collision is the person-to-person impact. Many serious injuries are caused by unbelted occupants colliding with each other. In a crash, occupants tend to move toward the point of impact, not away from it. People in the front seat are often struck by unbelted rear-seat passengers who have become high-speed projectiles. The Internal Collision Even after the occupant's body comes to a complete stop, the internal organs are still moving forward. Suddenly, these organs hit other organs or the skeletal system. This third collision is the internal collision and often causes serious or fatal injuries. So, Why Safety Belts? During a crash, properly fastened safety belts distribute the forces of rapid deceleration over larger and stronger parts of the person's body, such as the chest, hips and shoulders.
Monday, November 11, 2019
HIV/AIDS patients in Zambia; Are they cared for? Essay
Executive summary Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) pandemic has created terrible burden for millions of individuals, families and communities worldwide. All sorts of exertions have been tried to curtail this tormentor and yet no known cure or vaccines have been discovered to prevent it. Religious prayers and even rituals have also seemed futile. However, the only option now is to only provide tender care, love and even nurture for those that are infected and consequently affected. This might prevent further spread and in turn minimise further impacts. This study seeks to improve on the care that should be rendered to HIV/AIDS patients and even strategize on how to improve the well-being of these ill-fated people. This study is a combination of situational analysis through a scientific study to understand various dynamics of management of HIV/AIDS patients in Zambia accompanied by formulation of strategies based on findings of the study. Background The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Zambia has even become one of the highest in the world. The prevalence rate in the general population is estimated to be 14.3 per cent with approximately 930, 000 people living with HIV/AIDS. Generally, despite all the campaigns, the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS still exists. On one hand, patients who are infected and have all the symptoms claim to be neglected at the hospitals and are not given the best services. It may not be out of order to query whether these health care providers are really taking care of HIV/AIDS patients. Several interventions have been staked so far but they do not seem to adequately address and even assess if HIV/AIDS patients are fully attended to by health care providers. For example, though not very successful, the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB intervention strategy plan 2002–2005 was developed with providing care to people living and affected by HIV/AIDS as one of the strategies of reducing the spread of AIDS. This research endeavours to provide a fundamental overview of how best the society at large can prevent further spread of HIV through care. This is deemed necessary for the implementation of an HIV/AIDS free management policies. If it comes out necessary to quarantine HIV patients, we will not hesitate to articulate that. Rationale This study aims at creating space for all people living with HIV/AIDS in different settings; especially in hospital environment, where most of them seek medical advice. This study shall improvise core framework for any change/s at the institutional and individual levels and across all sectors that in turn shall help create an environment of understanding, empathy, love, trust, hope, human rights and dignity for those most in need, that is, HIV/AIDS patients. Problem The major problem is the increased levels of stigmatization, discrimination and violation of human rights of HIV/AIDS patients in various settings. Minor problems include: * Lack of better strategies to deal with matters of HIV/AIDS * Lack of consistency in delivery of health care * Lack of friendly or social relationship between HIV/AIDS patients and care takers Objectives In addressing the problems stated above, the following specific research objectives have to be achieved: i. To investigate the extent to which patients are cared for by health care providers and relations. ii. To investigate the nutritional well-being of HIV/AIDS patients. iii. To identify factors leading to stigma, discrimination and human rights violation of HIV/AIDS patients. iv. To frame recommendations/strategies for policy makers and other influential groups for improvements in social well-being of HIV/AIDS patients. Methodology Participants Our sample size is 150 and these consist of all HIV/AIDS patients in the selected hospitals within Lusaka. The number of patients to approach per hospital will be determined on the total number of admitted patients at the time of data collection. Our target population is all HIV/AIDS patients that have been admitted to the selected hospitals for at least one week. However, since it will be impossible to survey all HIV/AIDS patients in all hospitals in the City of Lusaka, our study population will be patients admitted to University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and Levy Mwanawasa General Hospital. These patients are to be found on weekdays/weekends during the stipulated visiting hours per hospital. Data Analysis Data will be entered in excel and analysed using SPSS version 16 and descriptive statistics will be computed using the same software. SPSS will be selected because it is user friendly. Research Method Our research method is to perform a situational analysis study using a questionnaire capturing the HIV/AIDS patients’ nutritional status, social relationship with care takers and how often they are visited by their relations. The questionnaire is as simple as possible to avoid frustrating the patients. Our sampling method will be convenience sampling where we would simply visit HIV/AIDS patients in hospitals under study. Convenience sampling will be used because this method would not impose a huge cost. Due to confidentiality and ethical considerations, the then main clinicians during data collection, at the hospitals under study will help to distribute questionnaires to those HIV/AIDS patients willing to participate. Currently, at UTH, we have Dr Nyirenda and Dr Musonda who are willing to administer the questionnaires in clinic five of UTH and Dr Alfred at Levy Mwanawasa General Hospital. We will simply approach any HIV/AIDS patient and ask them to volunteer in our survey. We will conduct an in-person survey by briefly introducing to them the purpose of our survey and explain why their participation will be valuable to the public. We will ask them if they have 3 minutes to do our survey. By having given them a brief introduction before we interview them, we can have a better sense of whether or not our survey is applicable to them. All non-HIV/AIDS patients in the stated hospitals will be ineligible to participate in the survey. In addition, a focus group will also be used to discuss the perceived prejudices that HIV/AIDS patients face. We will simply ask two HIV/AIDS patients, one representative from UNZA HIV/AIDS response office and one representative from the Ministry of Health to volunteer to give us one hour on one evening to get their opinions about the current levels of stigmatization, discrimination and violation of human rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. A facilitator will be present to conduct the group discussion and ask several open-ended questions while another representative will record the respondents’ answers during the discussion. The advantage of this focus group study is that it is not costly, not time consuming and we can get in-depth information and opinions from people who are directly and frequently affected by the problem. Anticipated Results Expected Outcomes: Mounting evidence suggests that no known cure for HIV/AIDS has been unearthed so far. This simply entails that we can only reduce further spread of the pandemic by improving the lives of the people who are infected and affected by the pandemic. Consequently, this study will not only enlighten the policy makers on the real strategy of reducing the further spread of HIV/AIDS but also propose measures that may deal with the problem more effectively. It is further expected that this study will generate a research report and a fact sheet on the dynamics and impact of stigmatization and discrimination on those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in Zambia. In the final analysis, it is expected that Government through the Ministry of Health and indeed the donors will be better informed, and could adopt some of the findings and recommendations in their policies. Impact: Results from this study are expected to feed into policies aimed at improving the well-being of HIV/AIDS patients in the country. From these, it is expected that the policies can be inferred to other countries facing HIV/AIDS. Utilisation: It is expected that findings from this study will be utilised by policy makers and implementers to enhance health care planning and ensure that the scarce national resources are allocated efficiently on projects that give the highest social and economic returns to HIV/AIDS patients. Dissemination Findings from this study will be disseminated through workshops that will be held so that all the stakeholders are informed about the viability of report findings as a remedial measure to the spread of HIV/AIDS in Zambia. Lastly, the study report will be available on the UNZA website and at UNZA HIV/AIDS response office for all to read.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Essay on “The Red Scarf Girl” by Ji Li Jiang
â€Å"The Red Scarf Girl†â€Å"Many friends have asked me why, after all I went through, I did not hate Chairman Mao and the Cultural Revolution in those years. The answer is simple: we were all brainwashed. †p. 276 The book â€Å"The Red Scarf Girl†is a memoir written by author Ji Li Jiang recounting what it was like to grow up during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, taking place in China from 1965 to 1968.During this time, a political leader named Mao Zedong convinced the people of China that the â€Å"four olds†, or the old ways of China, were wrong and that the only way for their country to move forward was to completely revamp their beliefs and ways of life; basically creating a whole new culture for the Chinese. By ways of torture as well as basically brainwashing the people into thinking whatever he said was true, Chairman Mao single handedly shaped China’s culture by removing all anti-communist beliefs.During the first part of th is book, little things that Ji Li Jiang witnesses and says hints that Chairman Mao was forcing change onto the people of China. For example, in chapter 2, Ji Li helps destroy a sign for the Great Prosperity Market, saying that names like this are four olds. Many other words and phrases such as â€Å"fortune†and â€Å"innocent†were also considered four olds, and were not to be used. But this was just the first step of Chairman Mao’s plan.He also convinced his workers, called â€Å"the red guards†, to publicly humiliate people for various anti-Communist acts. These public humiliations got more and more violent as time went on; in the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, people were mainly humiliated for their clothing. On page 30, a man’s clothing is cut apart while he is standing in the middle of a street because the tight pants and pointed shoes he wore were considered four olds; â€Å"†¦tight pants and pointed shoes are what the Western b ourgeoisie admire.For us proletarians, they are neither good looking nor comfortable†said the Red Guard preforming this act. But as the story progresses, people are forced to wear dunce caps and signs with horrible messages written about them around their neck. They were then paraded around while people yelled horribly mean things at them, sometimes even throwing things. Many people were treated this way because of their, or someone in their family’s occupation; if you or anyone in your family was a landlord, you would definitely be treated this way.Landlords were believed to be â€Å"black welps†, meaning that they were evil people, because they would take land from the poor if they did not pay their taxes, and also often were wealthy enough to afford housekeepers. Many teachers were also treated harshly if the Red Guards had any reason to believe that they were teaching their students anti-communist ideas. The people of China did not think twice about this beh avior, however, because Chairman Mao had convinced them that people like this should be treated harshly. To us Chairman Mao was god. He controlled everything we read, everything we heard, and everything we learned in school. We believed everything he said. Naturally, we knew only good things about Chairman Mao and The Cultural Revolution. Anything bad had to be the fault of others. Mao was blameless. †(p. 276) Certain people were treated even more severely. Struggle meetings (gatherings within the workplace where people were publicly humiliated) were very common and often used physical violence to correct people.During one struggle meeting, a woman is beaten and forced to climb the chimney of a factory as a punishment, for she was believed to be a teacher pushing anti-communist beliefs on her students. Ji Li Jiang’s father is forced to partake in these daily because he was believed to be conspiring against the communist party. Even if The Red Guards did not have substa ntial evidence to torture these people, they had full permission to anyway under the power of Chairman Mao. â€Å"When I started to write this book, I asked An Yi’s mother if she had hated Mao when she was forced to climb the factory chimney. I didn’t hate him’ she told me. ‘I believed that the Cultural Revolution was necessary to prevent revisionism and capitalism from taking over China. I knew that I was wronged, but mistakes happen under any system. If the country was better for the movement that persecuted me, I was still in favor of it. It was only after Mao’s death that I knew I was deceived. †For Ji Li Jiang, it was not until her father was tortured that she realized that the Cultural Revolution may not have been great as it sounded. Before then, Ji Li Jiang actively participated in these events.So did all of her siblings and classmates. They all believed whole heartedly that Chairman Mao was doing this for the good of the people. Bef ore the Cultural Revolution, people had big ceremonies for their ancestors, and for the Chinese New Year. They believed in many superstitions, such as not sweeping the floor on New Year’s Day as to not sweep out the god of wealth, and eating spring rolls to â€Å"roll in the money†. People were not ridiculed because they were wealthy; wealth was admired and people strived for it. People collected stamps and other valuable things and cherished them with all their hearts.They kept photographs of themselves and their family members. They wore fancy clothes on special occasions, and the elderly kept elaborately decorated trunks containing all their families heirlooms and passed them down from generation to generation. People were allowed to hire housekeepers to help them around the house and with taking care of their children. But during the Cultural Revolution, none of these things were allowed. They were all considered four olds, and people’s houses were searched and pillaged to make sure that none of these things were going on.Years after the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao was proven guilty of unleashing this chaos onto the people of China purely to protect his own political position. â€Å"It was only after Mao’s death in 1976 that people woke up. We finally learned that the whole Cultural Revolution had been part of a power struggle at the highest levels of the Party. Our leader had taken advantage of our trust and loyalty to manipulate the whole country. This is the most frightening lesson of the Cultural Revolution: without a sound legal system, a small group or even a single person can take control of an entire country. This is as true now as it was then. â€
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Muriel essays
Muriel essays Growing up is a low process of maturation from childhood to adulthood. The play Muriels Wedding by PJ Hogan, the exerpt from the novel Looking for Alibiandi by Melina Maneherta and the song why do I lie by Luscious Jackson are texts that all show that growing up involves many factors and influences, such as family, friends and searching for identity and independence. Muriel, who is the main character in Muriels Wedding, has to learn to overcome her problems with family and friends to become a wiser, more independent person with her own identity. The characters in the other text also need to find their own individuality and identity. Muriel is the main character in PJ Hogans screen plays Muriels Wedding. She is an ugly ducking and lives with a terrible family. In her family, Muriel has two sisters, one brother and her parents but no one in her family works except her father-Bill. They stay at home, watch TV and play games all day. Muriel gets nothing from her family but lies. Muriels father-Bill works in local politics. Bill is a foxy, dexeptive and and untruthful man without sense of responsibility. He always lies to his friends and partner in order to show off his power then get benefits from them. The family is so terrible, because Bill never teaches his children to develop which a father should do. Bill is a negative example to Muriel and affects how she grows up. Also Muriel learns how to lie from his father to cover her feeling of being useless and get more confidence. Bill gives Muriel a lot of pressure for example, in scene Eight, he tells Muriel that the Japanese business man is a millionaire who is the nearly the same age as Muriel. This is similar to the kind of pressure that his father puts on John Barton who is the main character in the novel Looking for Alibrandi. Johns father pressures him into a career which he d...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Improving High Schools Service Quality in America Essay
Improving High Schools Service Quality in America - Essay Example There are many pieces of evidence that prove that the students are not very happy with the education system and this has made the education system very fickle and ineffective. Hence, the argument lies on the fact that the whole system of education needs modification that caters to the students as well as to the teachers as both of them to need to work together to make an education system a success. The article, â€Å"Put Teachers to the Test†by Diane Ravitch (2008) provides implications to the problems as it provides reasons of increased dropout rate. There are many reasons for a poor education system and one of the examples can be quoted in this article. An investigation was carried out regarding teacher’s role and to everybody’s surprise; it was found that the teachers themselves were not proficient enough to educate the students. When teachers were asked to take a test of 11th grade, a very small percentage of teachers could answer it correctly. Moreover, Diane (2008) states that there is a very less number of High schools teachers who have related education and experience of what they teach. This gap is disastrous for students as the teaching style may not be appropriate, accurate, relevant and reliable. In this regard, it is argued that the education system should have a policy that every teacher should have the license to teach. It is essential that the teachers should have knowledge about pedagogical methods of teaching as well as have information relating to child psychology in order to teach students effectively. The number of low-grade students and dropouts is due to these issues and the evidence is given by Diane (2008)as she states that research was conducted relating to unqualified teachers.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The economy of a specific developing country Essay
The economy of a specific developing country - Essay Example Kenya is located in the eastern part of Africa that is strategic for water transport because of the availability of good harbors that are easily accessible to vessels from most parts of the world. This makes Kenya to be strategically advantaged considering the fact that sea transports constitutes significant percentage in promoting international business. In addition, the country has several natural resources including oil that was recently discovered and natural wildlife that contribute significantly to the national income. Further, Kenya has a good human resource base considering that 70% of the population age is below 35 years and most people are well educated (Embassy of United States 1). Of more significance, economic growth in Kenya has been positive in the recent past and is considered as the regional powerhouse. Most election years are characterized by decreased economic growth resulting from political uncertainties in the country. This is evidenced by decline in GDP growth from 7.1% in the year 2007 before elections to 1.6 % in the year 2008 after presidential elections characterized by ethnic violence (Embassy of United States 1). This was not the case in the recently concluded presidential election where the national GDP growth was maintained at around 5% (The World Bank Group 1). According to The Brookings Institution, Kenyan economy acts as an anchor to the regional development in east Africa (1). This is because the country operates on a mixed economy with advanced human capital base and also adoption of technological innovations in the communication sector. On the other hand, Kenya experiences several types of inequalities that affect economic development in one way or another. To start with, there is income inequality in Kenya where few rich citizens control much of the national income (Heifer International 1). This has consequently led to increased poverty levels in the country. In addition, there is unemployment in equity between
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Many high profile organisations have - through the media discussed Essay
Many high profile organisations have - through the media discussed their need to change their culture. The mining industry, p - Essay Example The managers form the largest group that spear head initialization and implementation of proposed programs in various department of any organization. Some of the roles played by the managers include provision of leadership, managing people, managing priorities and safety in the workplaces (Brown, 2004). In fact, competent managers contribute immensely to the success of a business. In relation to contextualized issue of social dynamism, the managers have a special and critical niche to occupy in a bid to achieve the overall goal of achieving a highly rated level of social diversification. Essentially, initialization and implementation of any program should follow the normal managerial process, which involves setting up the work agenda, identifying the work methods and roles, implementing management functions, applying knowledge and key management skills and organizational performance (Weidlich, 2000). A successful application of a managerial process in initializing and implementing a program or a process contributes to achievement of the intended goals. This study establishes that, mangers focus their energies through work agendas when implementing a program (Brown, 2004). ... More over, the managers should uphold high standards of managerial ethics. The aspect of social responsibility refers to the commitment of an organization to act with intent of protecting and improving the welfare of a given society. The organizational responsibility entails three key perspectives, which include invisible, and, the government and management hand (Brown, 2004). It is imperative to note that, the process of responding to any social demand requires inclusive participation of the stakeholders, which include the shareholders, employees, customers, local community, international community and the society. The bid by numerous organizations to embrace diversification in social demands and relevant response mechanisms revolve around critical societal matters related to health, education, technology, culture, environment and ways of generation of income (Hunnicutt, 2000). To define social responsibility in relation to the environment the basis of social paradigm in systems is a fundamental component for consideration. It is imperative to note that, organizations secure numerous resources and release outputs to the society in a bid to strengthen the economic and social milieu (Brown, 2004). On how to respond to the social demands through building of social response mechanism, a corporate social responsibility should take the epicenter of all events. This is the origin of the intended solutions for social demands attributed to an organization. Corporate social responsibility (CRS) can be referred to as the corporate accountability or corporate ethics. It should be noted that, the move to embrace this aspect of management is intended to establish better practices within the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Merchant of Venice and Shylock Offering Essay Example for Free
The Merchant of Venice and Shylock Offering Essay Many different people can be good or bad or might seem good but actually bad or the other way around. In The merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, shylock, the money lending Jew, is seen more like a villain then a victim. Shylock is a villain because he cares more about his money then he cares about his daughter, he is not merciful towards shylock and hewants a pound of flesh from Antonio for hi revenge. First of all shylock is a villain because he cares more about his ducats then his daughter, Jessica. Shylock cares more about his money then his daughter because when Jessica left home with Lorenzo, that she planned to elope with, shylock was really mad because his daughter left but mostly he was mad because she left with a lot of money and his jewels. This shows that shylock is a villain since he cares more of his money then his family and family should always be more important than money. Solanio is saying what he heard shylock say in the streets: My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter! Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats! Justice! The law! My ducats and my daughter! And jewels-two stones, two rich and precious stones, Stol`n by my daughter! Justice! Find the girl! She hath the stones upon her, and the ducats! In this quotation Solanio is saying to Salerio what he heard shylock saying in the streets of how mad he was of his daughter leaving with all his money. This quote is shylock talking to tubal about Jessica leaving â€Å"I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and/ the jewels in her ears: would she were hearsed at my foot, /and the ducats in her coffin!.(III.i.79-81). Shylock is mad that his daughter left him with his money and would want her to be dead in front of him to get his money and have all her ducats from her coffin. This shows that Shylock is a villain since he would go to the extent to wanting her dead for his ducats. Shylock is also a villain because he was not being merciful towards Antonio. When Shylock wanted his pound of flesh from Antonio shylock was not being merciful he really wanted that pound of flesh from him. Portia disguised as a lawyer even tried to tell shylock to be give mercy but he did not want too. Shylock believed more in the justice but the Christians want mercy. This quote is shylock refusing to the duke of being merciful â€Å" I have possessed your grace of what I purpose,/And by our holy Sabbath have I sworn/ To have the due and forfeit of my bond†shylock I telling to the duke that I will keep my bond and that no matter what this is his bond and he will keep it no one can convince him. Portia and Shylock are discussed about mercy: In this quotation shylock does not want to give mercy to Antonio and Portia says that you cannot receive mercy if you do not give some. As you can see Shylock is a villain since he is not merciful at all. Finally shylock is a villain because he wants a pound of flesh from Antonio since Antonio did not pay him back. The only reason the Shylock wants a pound of flesh from Antonio is for revenge and if you get a pound of flesh taken there are many changes you will die which were Shylock`s intention to get Antonio to die so he gets his revenge for spitting in his face and having to lend money to other people interest free and that made Shylock lose money. This is Shylock saying that Antonio miss treats him and he hopes to lend money from Shylock â€Å"Fair sir, you spet on me on Wednesday last;/to you spurned me such a day; another time/you called me a dog†(I.iii.126-128) here Shylock is mad at Antonio and wants revenge so makes a deal that he makes the bond interest free but if Antonio does not pay back he will need to give a pound of flesh to Shylock. This quote is Shylock offering to Antonio the money interest free but under the condition of one pound flesh if he does not repay in time â€Å"Expressed in the condition, let the forfeit/be nominated for an equal pound/Of your fair flesh to be cut off and taken†(I.iii.151-153). Shylock wanted revenge towards Antonio for what he had done so he made this bond this proves that shylock is a villain In conclusion, Shylock is a villain since he does not care about his daughter more then his money and he wants revenge on Antonio by getting a pound of flesh. Like you can see in the merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, Shylock is seen as a horrible man. People are good or bad those this mean they were born that way or you get bad or good later on in life.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Financial Statements Analysis In Making Investment Decisions Finance Essay
Financial Statements Analysis In Making Investment Decisions Finance Essay During the financial crisis in 2008, the world witnessed the bankruptcies of leading firms such as Lehman Brothers or Washington Mutual. These collapses caused the losses of many shareholders and stock investors and raised the importance of financial analysis in investment. This project looks at the necessity of financial statement analysis in investment decision making with an emphasis on how to use it to reveal potential risks. Introduction One of the most important long-term decisions for any business is investment with the aim of making gains in the future. Investment decisions are concerned with the use of funds including buying, holding or selling and each decision could be vital to a firm. A careless decision may result in a long-term loss or even worse, bankruptcy. Therefore, an in-depth understanding and analysis is necessary for a high quality investment decision process. This is also even more critical to investors who invest in stock of company or shareholders. Financial statement analysis is critical in making effective stock investment decisions. By study the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and statement of owners equity separately and combined, an analyst might have a good sense of a companys overall financial picture; therefore, the investment decisions are likely to be reasonable and profitable. I. Understanding of financial statements analysis In order to understand the analysis of financial statements, it is necessary to define financial statements. According to Fabozzi (2003), financial statements are summaries of the operating, financing and investment activities of a business. These reports provide information to both investors and creditors in making credit, investment, and other business decisions. In other words, financial statements might be used as a tool to predict a companys future earnings. There are four basic financial statements including: the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of cash flows and the statement of shareholders equity. Firstly, the balance sheet is a summary of the assets, liabilities and equity of a business at a particular time. Assets include the resources of an enterprise that are used to generate profits. Therefore, if a company owns assets, the company can expect them to produce cash inflows in the future. Take for example, cars of a taxi company will be used in order to serve customers and gain income to the company. Liabilities are obligations of the business, or in other words, the commitments to creditors in the form of future cash outflows. Another factor is Equity, which reflects ownership. This means equity represents the part of a firms value that is not owed to creditors and therefore is left over for the owners. Thus, equity is the difference between assets and liabilities. Another part of financial statements is income statement, which is a summary of the revenues and expenses of a business over a period of time. Therefore, it shows both the results of the firms operating and financing decisions during that time, and people can also call this as the profit and loss statement. Thirdly, statement of cash flows is a summary over a period of time of a firms cash flows. This statement lists separately its operating cash flows, investing cash flows, and financing cash flows. The last main part of financial statements is the statement of shareholders equity. This provides additional information about equity including the amounts and changes in equity accounts; thus, it is considered as a link between the balance sheet and the income statement. Apart from the four main parts, the financial statements include notes in order to give additional information to readers. The first notes summaries the companys accounting policies such as methods of inventory accounting, methods of depreciation and foreign currency translation. Depending on each company, then there may be additional notes providing, for example, information on mergers or acquisitions. Financial statement analysis is a process that examines past and current financial date for the purpose of evaluating performance and estimating future risks and potential. II. What influences the making of Investment decision? In order to understand how financial report analysis affects investment decisions, it is important to understand the main contributing factors of making an investment decision. According to Cahill (2003), the investment decision making bases on assessing the sectors prospects, assessing the companys prospects and evaluating the value of company. A sectors prospects, which are dependent upon the supply/ demand, pricing and cost trends within the industry, provide information to analyze a companys prospects in more details. Meanwhile, the analysis of the prospects for the company is based on four drivers including management and strategy, performance and returns, financial positions and outlook for earnings. The combination of these factors determines the value put on a companys share. After analyzing the numbers and the four factors, it is important to evaluate those numbers with some approaches such as price/earning. As it can be seen clearly, financial statements are essential source of information in analyzing companys prospects and in evaluating companys value. Therefore, it is safe to assume that financial statements analysis is important in the making of investment decision. III. The influences of financial statements analysis on investment decision 1. Financial ratio analysis and its effect Financial ratio is one of the most important tools of financial analysis. In financial ratio analysis, the relevant information that will be processed is primarily from the financial statement data. A ratio is a mathematical relation between two quantities, in this case is from financial statements. Generally, by using financial ratios, investors can evaluate five aspects of operating performance and financial conditions including return on investment, liquidity, profitability, activity and financial leverage. With return on investment ratios, analysts compare measures of benefits, such as net income or earning before interest and taxes, with measures of investment in order to evaluate how well the firm uses its sources in its operations. Thus, analysts could consider increasing their investment into the firm if its ratio of net income to total assets is larger than other firms in the same sector. Moreover, not only compare current figures, investors might compare a firms current ratio with its ratio in the past so that they could have a view of how well the firm operate in the recent period of time. On the other hand, investors can assess the companys liquidity, which is the ability to meet the short-term obligations using current assets, by several ways including current ratio, quick ratio or net working capital to sales ratio. Take for example, a ratio of current assets to current liabilities will provide information about the comparison between assets that can be readily turn in to cas h and obligations that are due in the near future. In other words, by calculating this ratio, people might know the ability of a company to satisfy obligation due in the near future; therefore, they could have an valuable information about the safety of investing in that company. As it can be seen clearly, the higher a firms liquidity is, the more secure the investment is. Moreover, professional investors even extend their analysis skill by adding profitability ratios, which help them gauge how well a firm is managing its expenses. With detailed information in financial statements, investor can select and use different profitability ratio in each case. For example, suppose an analyst wants to evaluate how well production facilities are managed, it is reasonable to focus on the comparison between gross profit, which is a measure of income that is direct result of production management, and sales. This ratio shows the portion of each dollar of sales that remains after deducting production expenses; hence, the analyst might evaluate the firms ability to manage expenses. In general, it would be unwise to invest in a company that cannot control its expenditures appropriately (Akintoye, 2009). Apart from above ratios, activity ratios can be used to evaluate the benefits produced by specific assets; thus, they would be useful in specific circumstances. For instance, a ratio of cost of goods sold to inventory provide information about how quickly a firm has used inventory to generate the goods and services that are sold. Another kind of ratios is financial leverage ratio, which is used to assess how much financial risk the firm has taken on. These ratios are essential to evaluate the safety of investment decision to that company. Although financial ratio analysis help analysts in evaluating a firms operations, risk and potential returns so that they can decide to invest in the firms securities or not, this analysis cannot tell the whole story and must be used with care due to some limitations such as interpretation of the ratios or accounting data. 2. Earning analysis In order to give out a right investment decision, investors have to forecast the market value of firms securities, or in other words, forecast a companys cash flows in the future. However, this is difficult and as an alternative, investors examine the historical and current relation between stock price and some fundamental factors. In many cases, the factor is used to estimate the value of securities is earnings. Earnings are varying in different circumstances; therefore, it is common to use different approaches depend on real case. For example, if an investor is evaluating the performance of a companys operations, the focus is likely on the operating earnings of the company the earnings before interest and taxes. Generally, earning analysis is usually referred to the amount of earning per share of stock. In this case, the EPS (earnings per share), which shows how much on each share is earned by the firm in a given accounting period, is widely used. A firm with high EPS seems to be a profitable firm and is worth to invest in; thus, EPS can play a significant role in investment decision making. However, earnings can be adjusted by the firm itself and in fact, there are pressures that force the firm to adjust its earnings such as meeting analyst forecast or meeting shareholders expectation. In particular, earnings can be manipulated using a number of devices including the selection of inventory method and the selection of depreciation method. The pressure to report constantly increasing earnings may also result in wrong earning report. For example, Leslie Fay showed increasing earnings in 1990 and 1991, even though its business was not that excellent (Fabozzi, 2003). Therefore, similar to using financial ratios analysis, earning analysis should be done with most careful attitudes. 3. Cash Flow analysis According to Fabozzi (2003), cash flow play an important role in valuation and help analyst calculate the current value of a company base on the present value of its expected future cash flow. Moreover, understanding cash flow allows an investor to assess the ability of a firm to maintain current dividends and its current capital expenditure policy without relying on external financing. Currently, a firm reports its cash flows on the statement of cash flows using either the direct method, which is reporting all cash inflows and outflows, or the indirect method, which is adjustment the net income with depreciation and other noncash expenses. By looking at the relations among cash flow from operations, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities, an analyst could have a overview of the firms activities. For example, a young fast growing company is likely to have a negative cash flows from operation and a positive cash flows from financing activities because the company rely on external financing. Examination of the sources of cash flows, especially over time, gives analysts a general idea of the companys operations. For instance, PG, which is a mature firm, has a consistent cash flow. Moreover, cash flow information may help the analyst identify companies that may encounter financial difficulties. A clear example of this case is W.T. Gr ant company during 1966-1974 with no definite clues of bankruptcy that were showed on profitability ratio, turnover ratio and liquidity ratios. However, a study of cash flows from operations clearly revealed that company operations were causing an increasing drain on cash (Fabozzi, 2003). For above reasons, cash flow analysis is an essential part of making investment decision. Conclusion Financial analysis is the basis for investment and financing decisions and the basic data for this analysis is the financial statement data. This data can be used to analyze the relationships between different elements of a firm in order to provide an overview as well as an in-depth view of companys operation and financial condition. Moreover, by looking at the calculated financial ratios, in the connection with economic data, investor can make judgments about past and future financial performance and conditions. Besides, earnings analysis and cash flow analysis may provide even more detailed information about the firm, and also help investor to see potential risk. Therefore, it is safe to assume that financial statement analysis play an irreplaceable role in making investment decisions.
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