Monday, September 30, 2019
Developing Thesis Statement
Work from the General to the Specific in the Introductory Paragraph of a Five-Paragraph Essay In the standard introduction to a five-paragraph essay, the writer works from general to specific. There should be a broad, non-controversial introductory sentence that puts the reader in the ballpark of the essay. This can easily be accomplished by mentioning the name of the book, the author, the time period, or some other piece of relevant, factual information. The next two or three sentences develop on the first sentence adding increasingly more specific information leading up to the thesis.The Thesis Statement Must State a Controversial Point The formulaic thesis statement unequivocally states the main controversial point of the essay and provides â€Å"a roadmap†or outline for the rest of the essay. A disproportionate amount of time should be spent crafting the thesis statement. When the thesis statement is complete, the essay is essentially written. Every thesis statement must have a controversial point, and it needs to be stated succinctly. For example: †¢ â€Å"More than anything else, The Scarlet Letter provides a criticism of nineteenth century America. †The Thesis Statement Should Include a Roadmap for the Three Body Paragraphs in a Five-Paragraph Essay Once the controversial point is written, the writer must determine how he or she will prove it. This is â€Å"the roadmap†and, when combined with the controversial point, completes the thesis statement. Because this is a five paragraph essay, there will be three main points supporting the controversial point. These three points will each be dealt with in turn in the three body paragraphs of the essay. For the controversial point above, three points that will prove it may be: Nathanial Hawthorne’s biography clearly showing his disillusionment with the United States †¢ The hypocrisy of America as demonstrated through slavery and genocide of Native Americans †¢ The al legorical nature of the novel itselfâ€â€using a seventeenth century setting to illuminate nineteenth century America Constructing â€Å"the Roadmap†Part of the Thesis Statement Using Common Phrases Now that the writer has a controversial point and three pieces of evidence to support it, it is simply a matter of putting the thesis statement together. Having a list of â€Å"go-to†phrases at one’s disposal will help in constructing the actual statement.These phrases will introduce each piece of evidence in the thesis statement. They might include phrases like: By looking at†¦ , In analyzing†¦ , Through understanding†¦ ; In appreciating†¦ ; By examining†¦, Through evaluating†¦ These phrases can be used almost interchangeably to craft the first part of the final thesis statement. For example: †¢ â€Å"Through understanding Hawthorne’s personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of ninete enth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and, finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Add the Controversial Point to the Roadmap to Complete the Thesis Statement All that is left is to add a phrase such as â€Å"one will come to appreciate†before the controversial point. As such, a formulaic thesis statement might read something like this: †¢ â€Å"Through understanding Hawthorne’s personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of nineteenth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itself, one will come to appreciate that The Scarlet Letter is really a criticism of the country in which the author lived. Forming a Thesis Statement Adapted from: Research Papers for Dummies You've got a subject (â€Å"human-bear interactions†) and a topic (â€Å"the relationshi p between Goldilocks and the three bears†). Now it's time to come up with a thesis statement  the point that you want to make about Goldie and the furry guys. A couple of possibilities occur to you  â€Å"bears that hang around people end up eating porridge and sleeping in beds,†â€Å"both blonds and baby bears like medium-firm mattresses,†and â€Å"humans and bears share forest resources. As you tease out a few more ideas, you search for the middle ground, avoiding a thesis statement that is too broad or too narrow. You want one that, like Goldilocks's porridge, is â€Å"just right. †As soon as you've got a chunk of research, a deck of index cards, or a few files on the computer, take a few moments to reread your material. Think about what you might prove with all those facts and quotations. A couple of techniques will help you decide. Ask questions As you review your notes, do any questions occur to you? Is your curiosity piqued by an ything you've written?If not, check out the next sections, â€Å"If only,†â€Å"I recommend,†and â€Å"Relationships,†or go back to note taking and try again later. Any questions that pop into your mind arise from issues that are relevant to your topic, and issues are the breeding ground for theses. For example, suppose you're doing a psych paper on parental influence  specifically, how parental discipline affects children's behavior. You've read a ton of studies that attempt to describe the relationship between parents' actions and children's reactions.As you review your notes, you may find yourself wondering: †¢ Do children of very strict parents behave better? †¢ Does a child's reaction to strict parental rules change as the child grows older? †¢ Does spanking affect children's self-esteem? †¢ Does inconsistent discipline have a negative effect on children's behavior? Not one of these questions is a thesis, but each is a possibl e starting point. Possible because you can't cover them all in one paper. You have to choose. Right now, suppose that you select the second sample question.If the question of age interests you the most, read your notes again with question two in mind. Look closely at every note concerned with discipline, age, and rules. Put little check marks next to information about children's behavior  the behavior of those children identified as having trouble in school or with the law, perhaps. If necessary, go back to the library or the Internet for more research on the relationship between discipline techniques, age, and children's behavior.If you can, do some statistical analysis to see which factors matter and which are simply coincidence. After you've finished those tasks, you're probably ready to take a stand. Express that stand in a single sentence, perhaps this one: Children of very strict parents follow the rules diligently until adolescence, but not during the teen years. Now you've got the basis for your paper: the thesis statement. (By the way, the preceding paragraphs are just an example, not necessarily a psychological truth! ) If onlyAnother way to hunt for a thesis is to consider the â€Å"if only†spots in your paper. This method is particularly helpful for history projects. Again, start by rereading your notes. Look for moments when the entire course of historical events might have changed, if only one decision or one detail had been different. For example, suppose you're writing about a famous incident involving Humpty Dumpty. You've read eyewitness accounts, historians' analysis of the events, and doctors' descriptions of the injuries Mr. Dumpty suffered. Now you're ready to make a thesis statement.For those of you who aren't familiar with the story, here are the â€Å"facts†of the case: Victim: Humpty Dumpty, male egg Physical description: Round but delicate build, oval face, pale complexion Age: Fresh Date of incident: Nineteen th century Place: King's walled courtyard Description of incident: Victim had a great fall from a wall approximately ten feet high. Bystanders called 911 immediately. King's horses and king's men arrived within ten minutes. Entire battalion of horses and men worked on the victim for 45 minutes, but could not put him back together again.After reviewing all your material, you think †¢ If only the top of the wall had been shaped like an egg crate, giving Humpty Dumpty more stability †¢ If only Humpty Dumpty had eaten a calcium-rich, shell-strengthening diet †¢ If only the king's men had had more training in re-gluing than in military maneuvers The last â€Å"if only†in the preceding list gives you an idea for a thesis, which you turn into a sentence: The emphasis on militarism in the training of the king's men led to the tragic demise of Humpty Dumpty. I recommendDepending upon your topic, another road to a thesis statement comes from the phrase â€Å"I recommen d. †This road is especially helpful if you're writing about science, social science, technology, or any area that looks toward the future. Review your notes and ask yourself what improvements you'd like to see in the situation or conditions. Then ask yourself what should be changed to bring about those improvements. Here's this method in action. Suppose you're writing about fatal accidents. One of your sources is the Humpty Dumpty incident, described in the preceding section, â€Å"If only. As you scan your notes, think about the improvements that you would like to see  perhaps the prevention of shattering injuries caused by falls. What should be changed to bring about that improvement? The addition of calcium supplements to the water supply, a change in the design of palace architecture, additional training in egg gluing for emergency medical personnel, or something else? One of those ideas becomes your thesis statement: To prevent serious injury, architects should design safer walls. RelationshipsAnother thesis catcher is the relationship question, especially helpful when you're writing about literature. As you're poring over your notes, look for events or ideas that belong together in one of these ways: cause and effect, contrast, or similarity. For example, suppose you're writing about the murder of the king in a modern drama, Macbeth Revisited (not a real play). You delve into English politics during the Thatcher era and decide that the factions portrayed in the play reflect the conflict between contemporary English political parties.Now you've got a â€Å"relationship†thesis. The strife between the Googrubs and the McAgues in Macbeth Revisited mirrors the conflict between the Labor and Tory parties in the late twentieth century. Or, suppose you're writing about energy and pollution. You contrast fossil fuels with solar power, deciding on this thesis statement: Solar energy is less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Here is a very structured approach to starting a paper. Adapted from Suite101. com A bit more on finding a thesis statement within your topic†¦ Developing Thesis Statement Work from the General to the Specific in the Introductory Paragraph of a Five-Paragraph Essay In the standard introduction to a five-paragraph essay, the writer works from general to specific. There should be a broad, non-controversial introductory sentence that puts the reader in the ballpark of the essay. This can easily be accomplished by mentioning the name of the book, the author, the time period, or some other piece of relevant, factual information. The next two or three sentences develop on the first sentence adding increasingly more specific information leading up to the thesis.The Thesis Statement Must State a Controversial Point The formulaic thesis statement unequivocally states the main controversial point of the essay and provides â€Å"a roadmap†or outline for the rest of the essay. A disproportionate amount of time should be spent crafting the thesis statement. When the thesis statement is complete, the essay is essentially written. Every thesis statement must have a controversial point, and it needs to be stated succinctly. For example: †¢ â€Å"More than anything else, The Scarlet Letter provides a criticism of nineteenth century America. †The Thesis Statement Should Include a Roadmap for the Three Body Paragraphs in a Five-Paragraph Essay Once the controversial point is written, the writer must determine how he or she will prove it. This is â€Å"the roadmap†and, when combined with the controversial point, completes the thesis statement. Because this is a five paragraph essay, there will be three main points supporting the controversial point. These three points will each be dealt with in turn in the three body paragraphs of the essay. For the controversial point above, three points that will prove it may be: Nathanial Hawthorne’s biography clearly showing his disillusionment with the United States †¢ The hypocrisy of America as demonstrated through slavery and genocide of Native Americans †¢ The al legorical nature of the novel itselfâ€â€using a seventeenth century setting to illuminate nineteenth century America Constructing â€Å"the Roadmap†Part of the Thesis Statement Using Common Phrases Now that the writer has a controversial point and three pieces of evidence to support it, it is simply a matter of putting the thesis statement together. Having a list of â€Å"go-to†phrases at one’s disposal will help in constructing the actual statement.These phrases will introduce each piece of evidence in the thesis statement. They might include phrases like: By looking at†¦ , In analyzing†¦ , Through understanding†¦ ; In appreciating†¦ ; By examining†¦, Through evaluating†¦ These phrases can be used almost interchangeably to craft the first part of the final thesis statement. For example: †¢ â€Å"Through understanding Hawthorne’s personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of ninete enth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and, finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Add the Controversial Point to the Roadmap to Complete the Thesis Statement All that is left is to add a phrase such as â€Å"one will come to appreciate†before the controversial point. As such, a formulaic thesis statement might read something like this: †¢ â€Å"Through understanding Hawthorne’s personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of nineteenth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itself, one will come to appreciate that The Scarlet Letter is really a criticism of the country in which the author lived. Forming a Thesis Statement Adapted from: Research Papers for Dummies You've got a subject (â€Å"human-bear interactions†) and a topic (â€Å"the relationshi p between Goldilocks and the three bears†). Now it's time to come up with a thesis statement  the point that you want to make about Goldie and the furry guys. A couple of possibilities occur to you  â€Å"bears that hang around people end up eating porridge and sleeping in beds,†â€Å"both blonds and baby bears like medium-firm mattresses,†and â€Å"humans and bears share forest resources. As you tease out a few more ideas, you search for the middle ground, avoiding a thesis statement that is too broad or too narrow. You want one that, like Goldilocks's porridge, is â€Å"just right. †As soon as you've got a chunk of research, a deck of index cards, or a few files on the computer, take a few moments to reread your material. Think about what you might prove with all those facts and quotations. A couple of techniques will help you decide. Ask questions As you review your notes, do any questions occur to you? Is your curiosity piqued by an ything you've written?If not, check out the next sections, â€Å"If only,†â€Å"I recommend,†and â€Å"Relationships,†or go back to note taking and try again later. Any questions that pop into your mind arise from issues that are relevant to your topic, and issues are the breeding ground for theses. For example, suppose you're doing a psych paper on parental influence  specifically, how parental discipline affects children's behavior. You've read a ton of studies that attempt to describe the relationship between parents' actions and children's reactions.As you review your notes, you may find yourself wondering: †¢ Do children of very strict parents behave better? †¢ Does a child's reaction to strict parental rules change as the child grows older? †¢ Does spanking affect children's self-esteem? †¢ Does inconsistent discipline have a negative effect on children's behavior? Not one of these questions is a thesis, but each is a possibl e starting point. Possible because you can't cover them all in one paper. You have to choose. Right now, suppose that you select the second sample question.If the question of age interests you the most, read your notes again with question two in mind. Look closely at every note concerned with discipline, age, and rules. Put little check marks next to information about children's behavior  the behavior of those children identified as having trouble in school or with the law, perhaps. If necessary, go back to the library or the Internet for more research on the relationship between discipline techniques, age, and children's behavior.If you can, do some statistical analysis to see which factors matter and which are simply coincidence. After you've finished those tasks, you're probably ready to take a stand. Express that stand in a single sentence, perhaps this one: Children of very strict parents follow the rules diligently until adolescence, but not during the teen years. Now you've got the basis for your paper: the thesis statement. (By the way, the preceding paragraphs are just an example, not necessarily a psychological truth! ) If onlyAnother way to hunt for a thesis is to consider the â€Å"if only†spots in your paper. This method is particularly helpful for history projects. Again, start by rereading your notes. Look for moments when the entire course of historical events might have changed, if only one decision or one detail had been different. For example, suppose you're writing about a famous incident involving Humpty Dumpty. You've read eyewitness accounts, historians' analysis of the events, and doctors' descriptions of the injuries Mr. Dumpty suffered. Now you're ready to make a thesis statement.For those of you who aren't familiar with the story, here are the â€Å"facts†of the case: Victim: Humpty Dumpty, male egg Physical description: Round but delicate build, oval face, pale complexion Age: Fresh Date of incident: Nineteen th century Place: King's walled courtyard Description of incident: Victim had a great fall from a wall approximately ten feet high. Bystanders called 911 immediately. King's horses and king's men arrived within ten minutes. Entire battalion of horses and men worked on the victim for 45 minutes, but could not put him back together again.After reviewing all your material, you think †¢ If only the top of the wall had been shaped like an egg crate, giving Humpty Dumpty more stability †¢ If only Humpty Dumpty had eaten a calcium-rich, shell-strengthening diet †¢ If only the king's men had had more training in re-gluing than in military maneuvers The last â€Å"if only†in the preceding list gives you an idea for a thesis, which you turn into a sentence: The emphasis on militarism in the training of the king's men led to the tragic demise of Humpty Dumpty. I recommendDepending upon your topic, another road to a thesis statement comes from the phrase â€Å"I recommen d. †This road is especially helpful if you're writing about science, social science, technology, or any area that looks toward the future. Review your notes and ask yourself what improvements you'd like to see in the situation or conditions. Then ask yourself what should be changed to bring about those improvements. Here's this method in action. Suppose you're writing about fatal accidents. One of your sources is the Humpty Dumpty incident, described in the preceding section, â€Å"If only. As you scan your notes, think about the improvements that you would like to see  perhaps the prevention of shattering injuries caused by falls. What should be changed to bring about that improvement? The addition of calcium supplements to the water supply, a change in the design of palace architecture, additional training in egg gluing for emergency medical personnel, or something else? One of those ideas becomes your thesis statement: To prevent serious injury, architects should design safer walls. RelationshipsAnother thesis catcher is the relationship question, especially helpful when you're writing about literature. As you're poring over your notes, look for events or ideas that belong together in one of these ways: cause and effect, contrast, or similarity. For example, suppose you're writing about the murder of the king in a modern drama, Macbeth Revisited (not a real play). You delve into English politics during the Thatcher era and decide that the factions portrayed in the play reflect the conflict between contemporary English political parties.Now you've got a â€Å"relationship†thesis. The strife between the Googrubs and the McAgues in Macbeth Revisited mirrors the conflict between the Labor and Tory parties in the late twentieth century. Or, suppose you're writing about energy and pollution. You contrast fossil fuels with solar power, deciding on this thesis statement: Solar energy is less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Here is a very structured approach to starting a paper. Adapted from Suite101. com A bit more on finding a thesis statement within your topic†¦
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Die Opvoeder as Leier, Bestuurder En Administrateur
Question 1 1. 1. Write a paragraph in which you discuss the role of communication in creatinga sustainable positive atmosphere in your classroom. Communication is the transmission of an idea by someone, thesender, and the understanding thereof by another, the receiver. Communication is important to the success of any relationship,without it the relationship is doomed to fail. In order to increase thequality of the relationship the communication needs to be effective.Effective communication between the educator and the learners Inhis/her class is essential in order to create and maintain a positiveatmosphere in the classroom. 1. 2. Write a paragraph in which you discuss the importance of establishingpositive educator-learner relationships in the creation of a sustainablepositive atmosphere in your classroom. A positive educator-learner relationship is important as it enablesboth the educator and the learners to risk being honest with eachother, care about each other, it promotes inter dependence, ensuresmutual needs are met and allows each individual to develop their own individuality.The creation of the above leads to trust between the educator andlearners and as such will result in a positive classroom atmosphere. Creating a good educator-learner relationship involves the following(Coetzee 2010:87): ? Creating open, professionally appropriate dialogue with learners. ?  Systematically building better relationships with learners. ?  Maintaining a high rate of positive to negative statements. ?  Communicating high expectations. ?  Creating opportunities for personal discussion.Guidelines that can be used to avoid the negative effects of educator expectations are as follows (Coetzee 2010:87): †¢ Use sensitive information on learners carefully. †¢  Be flexible in your use of group strategies. Be careful how you respond to low-achieving learners duringclass discussions. ? Use materials that show a wide range of ethnic group s. Be fair inyour evaluation and disciplinary procedures. ? Communicate to all learners that you believe that they can learn. ? Involve all learners in learning tasks and privileges. ? Monitor your non-verbal communication. . 3. Discuss how you would promote learner participation in a multiculturalclassroom by creating a learning environment that supports socialising andintercultural interaction . ? I would first read through all the learning materials for that givensubject in order to determine if there is any aspect of the work or activities which may be culturally insensitive to any of thelearners in the class. ? I am aware that cognitive learning styles are culturally dependentand therefore will use a variety of teaching styles, methods andstrategies in my teaching of the class. ?In order for the learners to participate and actively cooperate witheach other it is necessary to be aware of any instances of cultural insensitivity immediately and take action, a way to avoidthe se situations, I could allow those members of differentcultures to explain about certain aspects of their culture to theother members of the class. This way I as the educator and theclass will learn about other cultures. ? I expect all the learners in my class to achieve to the best of their ability as all people are able to learn provided they put in the timeand effort to do so.I am also aware that the academic andlearning ability of learners differ, so they at the beginning of theacademic year are required to set their own personal goals whichthey then work towards. These goals set are at levels slightlyabove what each learner believes they can achieve in order tochallenge them. When checking work done in activities the class needs to assistthe learner who is answering the specific question if they makean error in order to correct it, if they are unable to detect or correct the error, I as the educator assist in guiding them to thecorrect answer. Question 2 2. 1.Name five wa ys in which educators can improve learner motivation in theclassroom . a) Make the learning task more challenging. b) Place less emphasis on teaching and grades. c) Move from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation. d) Have high expectations of each learner. e) Increase the learners ¶ perception that they control the learningsituation. 2. 2. Draw up the following of a classroom policy: 2. 2. 1. Aims and objectives of our class . Class Aims: To achieve our academic and intellectual potential through hardwork as a cooperative group, while promoting the acceptance of others and respect for others.Individual Objectives: Each individual sets their own goals to achieve at the end of theyear (long-term) in order to contribute to the overall class aim. In order to achieve their own end of year goals the learners setshorter term goals in order to assist them in achieving their long-term goals. 2. 2. 2. Rules for our classroom . 1) We must respect ourselves, others and the educator. 2) We must be on time. 3) We must enter the class quietly, and get ready to work. 4) We need to bring all our stationary and books to class. 5) We must raise our hands to ask questions in class. ) We must not eat nor drink in class7) We must never disrupt another learner ¶s work. 8) We don ¶t leave litter on the floor, we put it in the bin. 2. 2. 3. Task division . Educator: ? Always prepared and punctual. ? Provide assistance to learners. ? Manage the classroom appropriately. ? Discipline learners fairlyLearners: ? Ensure all work is completed on time. ? Maintain a clean learning environment. ? Respect one another. ? Make sure all learning materials are brought to class. 2. 3. Define the following concepts: 2. 3. 1. L eadership The ability of an individual to influence other individuals or a groupto achieve goals. 2. 3. 2. C ntrol Assessment of work done and where necessary to realign andcorrect work done which is incorrect or not up to standard. 2. 3. 3. I ntrinsic motivation An inner d esire to be successful at a certain task (self-motivation) 2. 3. 4 . C ommunication The transmission of an idea by someone, the sender, and theunderstanding thereof by another. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal. 2. 3. 5 . Co-operative learning A team approach to learning where each member of the group isdependent on the other members to accomplish a specific learningtask on an assignment. 2. 4 . Describe the autocratic and democratic styles of classroom management .Autocratic leadership style: Autocratic leadership is an educator-centred approach to theclassroom which is characterised by the strong leadership role of theeducator. The main focus of this type of leadership is on thecompletion of tasks and the learners ¶ ability to listen, work and do. Theadvantages of this type of leadership include the promotion of goodorder and an established routine in which some learners feel moresecure. The drawbacks of this type of leadership include one-waycommunication, rigid disc ipline, passive learner participation, a morereserved and unapproachable educator and little room for creativethinking.Democratic leadership style: This leadership style is characterised by educators that have goodsubject knowledge, who are good natured, helpful, fair, and warm. Educators who practice this management style encourage learner participation. The advantages of this type of leadership include learner confidence to participate in classroom activities, a relaxed positiveatmosphere and learners constantly being involved in learningactivities. 2. 5 . Explain how a message is conveyed by referring to the communication processmodel . In order for there to be communication there first needs to be apurpose for communication or a message to be conveyed.Thismessage is then encoded by the sender and passed onto the receiver via a communication medium. The message is then decoded by thereceiver. This results in a transfer of meaning from the sender to thereceiver, who then may give feedback back to the sender. Question 3  µ A delict is an unlawful, culpable (intentional or negligent) act (or omission)committed by a person, which infringes the rights of another or causes himor her harm.  ¶ (Coetzee 2010:188) ? To constitute delict, one person must have caused harm or damage to another byhis or her action or conduct .The conduct must be voluntary human action and maybe either a positive action or an omission .  µ In terms of this element of delictual liability the school can be held liable asthey failed to remove the piece of steel or at least clearly demarcate thearea around the piece of steel, in order to make people aware of it. Thecoach, knowing that there is a possibility that players could fall during thewarm up due to the nature of the sport, could also be held responsible asthe teams were responsible for choosing a warm up area and the coachshould as such have checked the area for any objects that could causeharm to team members. The act w hich causes harm must be wrongful, that is, it must be legallyreprehensible or unreasonable in terms of the legal convictions of the community . To test for unlawfulness, the boni mores principle is applied . The question here iswhether the harm caused was unjustified in the circumstances . I n the absence of wrongfulness a defendant may not be held liable .  µ The school can be held liable as they should have taken all precautions tohelp to prevent an injury of this nature to any person on their schoolgrounds.Knowing that they were hosting a basketball tournament theyshould have removed any objects that could cause injuries to any playersor clearly demarcate the areas where there could be concerns over theplayer ¶s safety. The coach in being responsible for the safety of his teamshould have thoroughly inspected the area chosen for the warm up for anydangerous objects. ? The act must be the result of fault in the form of intent (d olus) or negligence(culpa) . Fault refers to blameworthy attitude or conduct of someone who has actedwrongfully .  µThe coach of the team was negligent as he should have inspected thearea for any danger to the players, if he had done so he would have seenthe piece of steel and then either have chosen a different warm up area or at least warn the players to either avoid that area or be careful around it. The school could be seen to be negligent for failure to remove the piece of steel or clearly demarcate the area around the piece of school. ? There is a casual relationship between the conduct of the perpetrator and the harmsuffered by the victim . I general, it should be shown that the person ·s injury didresult from the actions of the person charged with negligence . I n other words, theremust be a clear casual relationship between the act and the injury . A person cannotbe held liable if he or she has not caused any damage .  µ The school ¶s negligence in not removing the piece of steel or demarcatingthe are a around it resulted in the injury to the player, as such they can beheld liable. The coach for not thoroughly inspecting the area in which theplayers would warm up could also be held liable. ?A delict is a wrongful and culpable act which has harmful consequences . Damagesin the form of patrimonial loss or non-patrimonial loss must be present . There mustbe a connection between the negligent conduct and the injury (physical or mental ) . To receive an award for damages, a plaintiff must have suffered an injury as a resultof the defendant ·s negligent conduct . The plaintiff must prove that some damageoccurred . Although the injury or damage does not need to be substantial for anaward to be ordered, the injury must be real rather than be imagined .The courts aregenerally reluctant to award damages where there is not some form of injury .  µ Damages are present which are due to the negligent conduct on the partof the school, not removing the piece of steel or demarcating the areas urrounding the piece of steel, and coach, for not thoroughly inspectingthe area on which his players will be using to warm up. Contributory fault is where a learner does not show the degree of carenormally expected form someone of his or her age, knowledge andexperience.If this is present the educator will not be solely liable for anydamages resulting from an injury by his or her act. In the case in question,if the basketball tournament is for a junior age group (ie. under 15 ¶s) or asenior age group (ie. under 18 ¶s) will determine if there is contributory faulton the part of the learner ¶s. Under 18 learners ¶ can reasonably beexpected to be responsible enough to check themselves for any danger onthe warm up area chosen. Whereas the under 15 learners ¶ cannotreasonably be expected to check for any danger.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Women in Vietnam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Women in Vietnam - Research Paper Example This reason makes historians refer to the war as a cold war. The war took place in Cambodia and involved attacks and raids on rival groups. The rival groups in this case were the Americans and the people of South Vietnam. The war had search and destroy operations that served to show the amount of power that each group had over the other. The United States had its theory on the war as it saw it as a way of preventing the spread of communism to the west, as it preferred using the capitalism policy. The war thus had an important figure to the fighters as each tried supporting their policies. In the war, there were women that served to assist the actual fighters who were mostly men (Gunusky 37). Women were very influential in the development of the war. This is because they were there to offer their support which if lacking, the fighters on each side could not have fought as effectively as they did. The women were the soldier’s wives, sisters and even mothers taken up by the milit ary at that time to act as soldiers of war. They got training for all the missions that were to take place and thus were very skilled out in the field. The women had different roles in the war. There were those who were very talented in the field and had the rare opportunity to serve in the war as actual soldiers along their male counterparts. The women showed unending efforts and desire to help their sides win. For the women that were not strong or rather skilled enough to go out to the field and face the rivals in a live manner, they were delegated different aspects of work according to their intrinsic skills. One of the most identified roles that the women were given was the work of clinical attendants or rather they were given the job description of nurses (Tunner 76). The nurses had the strict and strenuous jobs of assisting wounded soldiers at the time when attacks took place. According to the communities that lived in the Vietnam region, they believed the work of nursing to b e a talent that runs in the family and hence most of the nurses that were taken in had to carry along other family members to assist in their works. Since the nurses were to take their activities to places where the war was directly taking place, they had to training on basic weaponry use in case of attack. Some of the nurses did not completely finish their nursing as they were taken in to a 10-day training camp at Ft. Sam Houston (Caylor 65). With this training, they could be part-time nurses but could also work the grounds in case there was a short of army officers to carry out an ambush due to factors such as death or general incapability. Before the war had become serious, the nurses were given a bulk of injured patients and instructed to cure them within a given time span. This was influential, as it would help them prepare both psychologically and physically for the type of work that they would be doing in the fields. When the war would get harder and the enemy groups getting close, there would be many casualties and thus the need of competence on the side of the nurses to help cure soldiers fast. Upon healing, the soldiers were required back on the field to continue with the war so as not to lender their side shorthanded due to lack of soldiers. The nurses also had basic training of how to use a compass and a radio alert. This was important because not every time could the soldiers manage to bring back the wounded soldiers to the camp base. With the compass and the radio, the soldiers in the field could make radio alerts to the nurses. The radios had different signals through which they had an open line of communication. They would ask for assistance and give the required directives and bearings (Neel 37). The women on the other hand with the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Musculoskeletal and neurological diseases and healing in Veterinary Essay
Musculoskeletal and neurological diseases and healing in Veterinary Physiotherapy - Essay Example In addition, they include diseases such as encephalopathy, myelopathy and neuropathy. The techniques used to diagnose neurological diseases include laboratory test screening, radiography and electromyography, which research indicates can be used to confirm the location of a spinal pathology produced by tumours. The canine Wobbler syndrome is a neurological syndrome, which has different names depending on the variance in the neurological dysfunction. The syndrome is caused by abnormalities in the caudal cervical vertebrae and affects dogs. Even after a long period of research about the syndrome, there has been no medical or surgical regime, which was deemed appropriate for all the dogs affected with the syndrome. This neurological dysfunction is due to spinal cord compression from various malformations and this result to the deformity of the vertebral canal. This syndrome is caused by over nutrition because one of its symptoms is rapid growth. In the treatment of this disease, rationa l, medical, surgical and medical therapies have evolved from the recent studies of this syndrome. Musculoskeletal disease is a degenerative disease that brings inflammatory conditions causing pain and impairment of normal activities. Musculoskeletal disease affects different parts of the body, including the neck, shoulders, arms, feet, legs and the upper and lower back. The disease is caused by awkward sitting postures and doing repetitive straining activities. Musculoskeletal diseases involve soft tissues and therefore there are no visible signs of injury to the animals who have these conditions. The prevention of this condition is controlled from the places where the animals do high rates of strains activities and it’s in the same place where the animals are exposed to unsafe conditions. The animals subject to those risks are identified and the correct physical and psychosocial control measures taken. The control measures include
Thursday, September 26, 2019
China's Economic Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
China's Economic Analysis - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that the total fertility rate of the Chinese women, which account for the average number of children a woman in her child-bearing age can expect to have during her lifetime has also gone down to a figure of 1.4, lower than that which has been recorded for the past years Since the introduction of the one-child policy, which was designed to reduce the birth rate in China, the statistics on the birth rates have gone tremendously to lower heights. This slower growth rate in China has been matched by the aging of the population. People above the age of 60 have been on the rise and represent a significant proportion of the population. The effect of this economy is that if the trend goes on, then an increasing dependency on the young working population by the elderly will be experienced. The government too would be affected in the sense that it would have to increase its pension funding and the health care systems for the elderly. Gender disparity though poses a futur e huge challenge for China. According to its 2010 census, the male population was recorded at 51.27% of its 1.34 billion population. The females, on the other hand, accounted for a 48.73% of the total population. At present, the number of boys in China is more than that of girls by a figure recorded at 9 million. As much China remains the most populated country in the world, there exist major variations in the population densities in its different regions. The northern and the western regions only have a few million people while the eastern area has close to 1.3 billion people. The majority of the citizens live in the eastern areas in the major cities and it is concentrated towards the eastern parts of the mountains and south of the northern steppe. China has had a rise in its economic growth in the reform period and this too has led to the rise in the per capita income. Over the past decades, China as a country has exhibited dramatic economic growth which has also been accompanied by a sharp increase in income inequality. Its GDP per capita increased from 311 yuan, in 1974 within the pre-reform period to 1644 yuan in 1990 and later to 12,336 yuan in 2004 as reported by the National Bureau of Statistics. During the years 2001 to 2003, the Chinese economy was reported by the World Bank to have increased by 10% in every year through the real income of the 10% poorest people decreased, by the same report, by 2.4%.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
International management Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International management Report - Essay Example The challenges were also due to difference in the economic structures of various countries, their different legal frameworks and policies, social and cultural issues and many other things. Organisation tried building their strategies to deal with it. The company discussed in this paper is Toyota Motor Corp which rank 7 in the Fortune Global 500 list 2005. This is one of the largest automotive manufacturers in world, a trusted brand name and worldwide-admired company. It is known for its JIT and Quality programs and altruistic approach towards people working for it. Globalisation has provided many business opportunities to organisations worldwide. These opportunities to grow profitably in the worldwide market have come with some complications. These changes have raised various issues. There have been various debates on the global marketing mix strategies for the international market. Lots of studies and opinions have been developed. (For example, Ghoshal, 1987; Jain, 1989; Levitt, 1983; Quelch and Hoff, 1986)1 The communication process for the different market focusing on advertising issues, its objectives, message, presentation and various decisions related to advertising has gained attention and interest of most of the researchers. It was early 1960 when the issue of advertising standardization in foreign markets was first discussed. (Elinder, 1961; Fatt, 1964)2 These complications are due to the differences and diversity of the various parts of the world. The companies operating in various countries have several issues to ponder upon before starting its business and throughout its operations. These factors can be broadly grouped into two main groups. External Factors: These include the issues are related to the socio-cultural, political-legal, economic and various other issues. The parent country of the firm and the operating company can be different in various social and cultural aspects. These issues are
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Project Management - Assignment Example The paper "Project Management" investigates project management. This are all signs of the poor or no project management. However, it seems unfair that all the burden of failure falls on a single person Project Manager but it is how and why the project are managed to address the real life issues to bring betterment to humanity. Project can fail, even with the best intentions, if not planned and managed properly. Besides, unprecedented situations can occur if the project manager and his team have not carried out a thorough risk management planning. These reasons signify the importance of the project management and consequences of initiating a project without such efforts. Project Management Institute in its PMBOK defines a project as â€Å"a temporary endeavor with a beginning and a definite end that creates a unique product, service or results and is progressively elaborated†. Lawson and Gray highlight major characteristics of a project as: Defined and clear objective; Definite and recognized starting and end; Involvement of other departments, professionals and experts; Unique as never done before; Has requirements of time, cost, scope and performance. Project management is an effort to produce the desired results or deliverables in a number of varied ways of execution all reaching towards the end objectives. Project management includes clearly defining objectives, establishing requirements, managing conflicting resource priorities, balancing the requirements of challenging stakeholders. and team members while endeavoring to achieve cohesion towards common purpose. Managing projects in a systematic way result in cost effectiveness, mitigation and elimination of risks involved, higher productivity towards accomplishing the desired end objectives. These benefits necessitate a well-structured and scientific approach towards managing the project without which organization would find is difficult to meet the multifaceted challenges presented by the modern era of globalization. Without such an approach, it would be impossible for organizations to manage and deliver the project within defined and agreed upon constraints of time, cost, quality and scope in current competitive business environment. In more simple words, there is a requirement of established framework that is well recognized and agreed upon. In this context, organizations can benefit from the sequenced activities and task dependencies identified in the PMBOK and other related journals to create a structured approach to project management by achieving control over project environment, ensuring the end project deliverables while managing the triple constraints. Triple constraints are the competing and challenging requirement of time, scope and cost demanding a high priority on project manager’s to do list. The absence of such a structured approach would lead organizations in a volatile and disordered situation where they would have little or no control. Project managemen t is a vast topic and is difficult to concisely provide all the definitions, terms and terminologies within few pages. It is critical to understanding that project management provides organizations with a structured framework of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Build and Sustain an Innovative Work Environment Assignment - 2
Build and Sustain an Innovative Work Environment - Assignment Example The principle aligns those of Virgin Atlantic Red’s business needs since it depends on customers to buy the services. Another underlying principle is that innovation should drive the core business process (Davila, Epstein, & Shelton, 2012). Virgin Atlantic Little Red is always in a constant need for new ways of providing goods and services to their customers thus the principle aligns with its business needs. In addition, the innovation plan relies on the principle of becoming ten times better with the new ideas (Boons, & LÃ ¼deke-Freund, 2013). The new idea should prove better than the previous and even far much better than those of the competitors. There are many domestic flights in the UK and Virgin Atlantic Little aims at becoming a leader in the industry thus the principle serves its business interests. A major area, that requires the pilot program, is the service provisions especially the flight services. Onboard services like inflight entertainment and connectivity will suit the pilot program since it proposes the provision of unique experiences to the passengers on board. The program might as well suit booking services with a strong emphasis on quick and reliable booking system to the customers. The plan begins notifying the management to know how best the staff can implement the proposal. In the implementation stage, it is also imperative to develop time frame for all activities specifying duration for their completion. On the other hand, the plan will have performance indicators to notify the implementing team on the success of the plan in meeting set goals and objectives. Moreover, the implementation plan should have a monitoring mechanism and assign duties to specific individuals. The communication plan in this proposal entails developing a comprehensive plan that states where chains of command come from and those who take the orders. Commands should come from the executive management who also has to state clearly the objectives and
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Youngs modulus of elasticity of nicrome wire Essay Example for Free
Youngs modulus of elasticity of nicrome wire Essay This can be avoided by not adding the weights if and when there are persons on the wooden block side of the wire. Apparatus Wire (around 3. 5 meters) 2x wooden blocks 1 G-clamp Weight Hook 12-15 weights. (100g each) Accuracy 0. 1g in 100g = 0. 1% error Roller Pulley Celotape Micrometer Screw-gauge. Accuracy 0. 01mm in 0. 19mm = 5. 36% error Scale (e. g. Rule) Accuracy 2mm in 3570 mm = 0. 06% error Total Approximate error range: 5. 52% = 6% RESULTS: Note: I have taken the force of one Newton to be the where the extension because I found it difficult to measure the length of the wire without pulling on it. This was because the wire was coiled originally and so kept trying to go back to its original coiled state. This means my wire length will be inaccurate to approximately half a millimetre. This would not have affected the permanent length of the wire because the wire enters the plastic region only after around 10 Newtons (Represented on a graph of axis force against extension) The slip mentioned in the results refers to how much the wire has been pulled from the two markers, which is referred to in the method. The slip is evidently not part of the extension and will be taken into account. Original Length of the Wire = 3570mm. = 3. 57 meters Original Diameter of the wire = 0. 175mm = 1. 75 x 10-4 meters. Area = 0. 0000000962m3 = 6. 92 x 10-8m3 These results may be unduly accurate and this will be taken into account in the conclusion. As the Youngs Modulus concerns the region where Hookes Law is obeyed, then this will be the region where the extension increases in small equal amounts. In this case it is 1-9 Newtons here. As this only caused small extensions of 1mm per each weight added, this is where the biggest errors will occur. Ruler to half millimetre accuracy 0. 5mm in 8mm = 0.5 / 8 100 = 6. 25% CONCLUSION What is Youngs Modulus Of Elasticity for Nicrome Wire? Youngs Modulus For Elasticity is defined as Stress Over Strain. So (Force Length) (Extension Cross-sectional Area). This is the gradient of a graph representing stress over strain. (In the region where Hookes Law is obeyed) Force (N) Stress (Pa) Extension (m) Strain (Pascals) Youngs Modulus (Giga Pascals)  The gradient of the graph represent the stress over the strain. The gradient over the ? y/? x region is big enough to provide a good average. It is more accurate than the tabulated result because it contains the linear y=mx+c graph (This is due to Hooks Law) which is the line of best fit for the results (The average). The y-intercept on the graph is very close to the origin, which is what would be expected because if there were no stress (e. g. no force acting on the wire) then there would be, by definition, no strain, as there would be no extension occurring. This shows that this area is obeying Hooks Law because using the y=mx+c equation, this would say c i 0 (approximately equal to 0). So y=mx where tis the stress, x is the strain, and m is the constant; being Youngs Modulus. Conclusion: My results are accurate, because the graph was a very straight line, as all the points could be plotted to a good degree of accuracy to the original plot from the y=mx equation; Stress = (5. 52 x 1011 ) x Strain :- Where 5. 52 x 1011 Gpa is my result for Youngs Modulus for Nichrome Wire Stress (Pa) Strain Stress=(5. 52 x 10^11) x Strain Error From Original Dividing the result of multiplying the stress by my Youngs Modulus by the original, and multiplying by 100 calculated the error from original column. For every multiplication I got a a result of 6. 72%, which is close to my approximate error range of 6%. My results compared to my prediction: My results, did not entirely agree with my prediction. From preliminary experiments the Youngs Modulus would be in the region of 180 GPa.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Health vs Happiness Essay Example for Free
Health vs Happiness Essay Picture this: you are hungry, busy, and don’t really feel like cooking or cleaning. So you dash to the nearest fast food joint and order a fat, juicy burger with some fries and a soda to wash it down. Once in a while this may be okay, but if you find yourself taking this easy way out more than once a week, there may be consequences. The American Heart Association states that diets high in salt, cholesterol, sugar and fat can take away from other essential nutrient levels. This may lead to heart problems or obesity. Practicing little or no physical activity can lead to further health complications. Is it a waste of time to watch what you eat or how you exercise? Maybe not. Skipping those fast food meals and substituting with a sandwich made at home or packing leftovers for lunch takes no more time than pulling into the drive through. Getting up and walking around your office a few minutes each day is better than sitting at your desk all day. If you do choose tha fast food route, park your car and go inside to order. If you think life is too short to care about what you eat, think again. You may, in fact, be shortening your life by taking shortcuts. If you are a smoker, that makes it much shorter. Some people may feel that they are happier if they can eat what they want when they want it. But is being overweight, fatigued and lazy being happy? For me, it is not. I am not the perfect picture of health, but I do feel that being healthy is being happy. I did not watch what I was eating or how I was taking care of myself until I became pregnant. I started eating healthier, drinking more water, and feeling better. Feeling better physically made me happier. I am no longer pregnant and still plan on keeping the healthy habits I kept while pregnant. Keeping healthy habits also gives one more energy, which in turn may help with exercising. Eating healthy and exercising could reduce stress. Less stress equals more happiness. So does being healthy mean being happy? I say to each his own. If you are happy being obese and having health problems, then so be it. I, for one, am happy being healthy.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reflecting on Practices in Medicine Administration
Reflecting on Practices in Medicine Administration The ability to become reflective in practice has become a necessary skill for health professionals. This is to ensure that health professionals are continuing with their daily learning and improving their practice. Reflective practice plays a big part in healthcare today and is becoming increasingly noticed. Administration of medicines is a key element of nursing care. Every day some 7000 doses of medication are administered in a typical NHS hospital (Audit Commission 2002). So throughout this essay I will be evaluating and highlighting the learning that took place whilst on placement at a day unit. Drug administration forms a major part of the clinical nurses role. Medicines are prescribed by the doctor and dispensed by the pharmacist but responsibility for correct administration rests with the registered nurse (OShea 1999). So as a student nurse this has become my duty and something that I need to practice and become competent in carrying it out. Each registered nurse is accountable for his/her practice. This practice includes preparing, checking and administering medications, updating knowledge of medications, monitoring the effectiveness of treatment, reporting adverse drug reactions and teaching patients about the drugs that they receive (NMC 2008). Accountability also goes for students, if at any point I felt I was not competent enough to dispensing a certain drug it would be my responsibility in speaking up and let the registered nurses know, so that I could shadow them and have the opportunity to learn help me in future practice and administration. The reflective model I have chosen to use is Gibbs model (Gibbs 1988). Gibbs model of reflection incorporates the following: description, feelings, evaluation, and conclusion. (Gibbs 1988). The model will be applied to the essay to facilitate critical thought, relating theory to practice where the model allows. Discussion will include the knowledge underpinning practice and the evidence base for the clinical skill, that I have learnt and supporting this with available literature. Description The first stage of Gibbs (1988) model of reflection requires a description of events. I was asked to administer a drug to a patient named in hereafter as Mrs. A for confidentiality purposes (NMC 2008).I had observed this clinical skill on a number of occasions and had previously administered medication under supervision. On this occasion I was being observed by two qualified nurses, one of which was my mentor. The drug had been dispensed and was ready to be administered and Mrs. A consented to have a student administer the medication. My mentor talked me through the procedure step by step, and informed me that they have struggled with Mrs. A and her compliance with medication before so I should keep an eye and ensure that she swallows her medication and that she does not keep it her mouth. The medication that Mrs. A is on is Clozapine. The decision to use clozapine is not taken lightly because of the potentially life threatening side effect. An awareness of side effects is important to primary care practitioners because they have most contact with the patients. I learnt that using anti-psychotics is just a component of a holistic approach to a patient with psychotic illness and that care should also include psychological treatments and social care. Mrs. A does not have any issue with the drug it self but with the staff, as she is in a very psychotic state. Service users have requested strategies from services providers to manage the risk of using psychiatric medication to inform their choice about which psychiatric medication to use (DOH,1999). However evidence suggests that, there is choice, but generally by practitioner experience (Hamann et al. 2005). In non compliance of medication I had to encourage Mrs. A to make her choice to take the medications and that it was in her care plan and as part of her treatment. A nurse who has built a good relationship with a patient by informing and empowering them will be in a strong position to have a non judgmental conversation with them about the importance of adherence (Mc Lellan. 2009). My thought and feelings I was aware of being under the supervision of two qualified nurses and this made me feel very nervous and self conscious and I had to ensure that I was doing everything correctly and that I made no errors. Once my mentor questioned my practice, concerning if I knew the side effects of the drug I was about to administer, I became even more aware of feeling nervous and under pressure. The patient was present and I did not want the patient to feel that I did not know what I was doing. So I had to ensure before administering that I was giving the medication to the right patient and at the correct dose that it was at the right time and route. All of these had to be done to guarantee that I am competent in my ability to administer medication under the supervision of a registered nurse. This also gave me the opportunity to carry out this task in order to achieve this so I could get it signed off by my mentor in my essentials skills cluster. The nurse patient relationship is by many considered the core of nursing. This can be done to build a good relationship and rapport with patients ( al 2001). When I was first orientated to the ward, I took it upon myself to read the patients notes so that I had more insight to the patients and their illness and index offences if any. After this I went and introduced myself to the patients because it is vital that the patients are aware of who I am and my status if I am to provide nursing care for them. (Berlo, 1960) puts great emphasis on dyadic communication, therefore stressing the role of the relationship between the source and the receiver as an important variable in the communication process. Evaluation Administering medication and how this combined with care, compassion and communication forms the bases of a holistic approach to care, and with the knowledge I got from supporting literature formed the foundation of my learning and practice. Burnard (2002) suggests that a learner is a passive recipient of received knowledge, and that learning through activity engages all of our senses. Reflective practice is becoming an essential skill that is incorporated into clinical practice and CPD and it is therefore important that the nurse understand the role and the potential of reflection. Different ways to reflect in practice can be approached; however, there are evident barriers to reflection within a care setting including time because of the busy environment a hospital encompasses or lack of motivation if the vast majority of health care practitioners are not undertaking it. The NHS has to implement ways in which all healthcare professionals can reflect in their practice to enhance patient care, as one of the NHSs main aims is to improve the care of patients.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Mother Daughter Relationships - Mothers and Daughters in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club :: Joy Luck Club Essays
Mothers and Daughters in The Joy Luck Club Although mothers and daughters are genetically related, sometimes they seem like complete strangers. When immigrants raise their children in America, there is a great concern for these parents that American culture will negatively affect their children. In the novel, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, four mothers try to instill their Asian culture into their daughters' lifestyle; however, these daughters rebel against them, due to their desire to assimilate themselves into American culture. Early in the novel, the Joy Luck Club members discuss the different types of mah jong; it is then that Jing Mei realizes how oppositely she and her mother spoke to one another. While these women are explaining the differences in Chinese and Jewish mah jong, Jing Mei plays back the conversations that she and her mother used to have regarding the same topic. During their talks, her mother indirectly attempted to have her daughter keep her Asian culture a part of her daily lifestyle. One way was through Suayan's snappish tone, used when describing the lesser style, Jewish mah jong, with no logical explanation. Jing Mei assumed that this negativity was simply because of its ethnicity being unlike the Chinese way. Despite her mother's wishes, Jing Mei played Jewish mah jong with her friend's (22). Another roundabout manner Suayan avidly sought to keep the Asian tradition in her daughter's lifestyle was Suayan's refusal to speak to her daughter in English. Jing Mei's rebellion was similarly apparent when she continued to speak in a subdued tone in English while her mother spoke in Chinese. Later on in the novel, Waverly and her mother, Lindo, are at odds with each other over a simple haircut. Lindo is annoyed by Waverly's haircut because it does not resemble a traditional Asian hairstyle; rather it looks "chopped off," and that Waverly should "ask for {her} money back (182). Waverly, on the other hand, loves it because it looks fashionably American (182). Knowing it would infuriate her mother, Waverly rebels regardless because it was more important to look "hip" than to please her mother. Towards the end of the novel, Waverly and her mother conflict over whether Waverly, as a young woman, will be accepted in China since she has been able to "walk out the door by herself and go to school," she has chosen not to follow her mother's Chinese ways (289).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Legislation is NOT the Best Way to Ban Smoking :: Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays
Legislation is NOT the Best Way to Ban Smoking A market represents the private forces of demand and supply. Consumers aim to consume goods and services with lower prices and greater quantities while producers want to maximize their profits. A market diagram uses demand and supply curves to show the relationship between market demand and supply. These demand and supply curves are labeled as â€Å"private demand†and â€Å"private supply†, that is, the private benefits and the private costs. But those private activities always affect others, both positively and negatively. Those positive and negative effects are not represented in the market model; they are external to the market, known as externalities[1]. There are two kinds of externalities: positive externalities and negative externalities. In the extract, cigarettes are negative externality, which means they have bad effects on others and those effects are not paid by the producers. For example, when people smoke, especially in public places, e.g. restaurants and department stores, they pollute the air rounded and threaten others’ health. No one pays for the bad feelings caused by smokers and cigarettes. In this way, â€Å"market failure†exists. If the external costs could be measured and valued a new supply curve could be drown to present this. In this figure, the social costs have been added to the private costs to produce a new supply curve. The private supply curve shifts to left. When the supply curve shifts from Smpc to Smsc, the market prices increase from pp to ps and the quantity traded is reduced from qp to qs. Cigarettes are demerit goods which cause negative externalities. Because of their characters, producers get huge profits from them. So they are overprovided in the market, just like alcohol. The consumption of cigarettes always has negative effects on other people. It causes cancer, and may cut down human life-span. In order to internalize the negative externalities, government should interfere in the market. There are several ways to do that. One method government may employ is negative advertising to reduce private demand for demerit goods. People will consider the bad effects caused by demerit goods before purchasing or reduce the consumption on such goods that means private demand curve will shift to right. On the other hand, the supply curve shifts to left because of the costs of bad effects added to the factor costs of the products. The transaction of that goods decreases. After government applying negative advertising to public, the total transaction will decrease again because demand decreases. According to the diagram above, the quantity transferred in the market drops from qp to qs first, and then, to qt. This method is very common nowadays, especially for Legislation is NOT the Best Way to Ban Smoking :: Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays Legislation is NOT the Best Way to Ban Smoking A market represents the private forces of demand and supply. Consumers aim to consume goods and services with lower prices and greater quantities while producers want to maximize their profits. A market diagram uses demand and supply curves to show the relationship between market demand and supply. These demand and supply curves are labeled as â€Å"private demand†and â€Å"private supply†, that is, the private benefits and the private costs. But those private activities always affect others, both positively and negatively. Those positive and negative effects are not represented in the market model; they are external to the market, known as externalities[1]. There are two kinds of externalities: positive externalities and negative externalities. In the extract, cigarettes are negative externality, which means they have bad effects on others and those effects are not paid by the producers. For example, when people smoke, especially in public places, e.g. restaurants and department stores, they pollute the air rounded and threaten others’ health. No one pays for the bad feelings caused by smokers and cigarettes. In this way, â€Å"market failure†exists. If the external costs could be measured and valued a new supply curve could be drown to present this. In this figure, the social costs have been added to the private costs to produce a new supply curve. The private supply curve shifts to left. When the supply curve shifts from Smpc to Smsc, the market prices increase from pp to ps and the quantity traded is reduced from qp to qs. Cigarettes are demerit goods which cause negative externalities. Because of their characters, producers get huge profits from them. So they are overprovided in the market, just like alcohol. The consumption of cigarettes always has negative effects on other people. It causes cancer, and may cut down human life-span. In order to internalize the negative externalities, government should interfere in the market. There are several ways to do that. One method government may employ is negative advertising to reduce private demand for demerit goods. People will consider the bad effects caused by demerit goods before purchasing or reduce the consumption on such goods that means private demand curve will shift to right. On the other hand, the supply curve shifts to left because of the costs of bad effects added to the factor costs of the products. The transaction of that goods decreases. After government applying negative advertising to public, the total transaction will decrease again because demand decreases. According to the diagram above, the quantity transferred in the market drops from qp to qs first, and then, to qt. This method is very common nowadays, especially for
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Apocalypto Essay
Jayna Eckerson Apocalypto Essay Indiana State University Apocalypto is a movie about a man name Jaguar Paw who is a part of a Mayan tribe. Jaguar Paw, his father and his other tribe mates were out hunting for food when they came across another tribe leader and his people were passing through their forest. The tribe leader told Jaguar Paw that their homes were invaded by men from a different tribe and warned him to look out for them. After the he told Jaguar Paw about the other tribe men, he was scared that they were coming to their tribe next.The next morning, Jaguar Paw was awoken by the dog which stopped barking and he became suspicious. Then he saw a tribe man running with a torch, so Jaguar Paw immediately woke his wife who is pregnant and his son so that can run for cover. After he put his family in a safe place, Jaguar Paw went to go help his tribe mates and father fight the invading men and women were also getting raped by these men. Jaguar Paw was held down to watch one of th e tribe leaders kill his father. All the women and men in Jaguar Paw’s tribe were taken as prisoners.They made to walk miles with the other tribe members that Jaguar Paw saw the day before to another camp site. As they were walking, they ran into a little girl who they believed that she had a disease. When they denied her help, she cured them and said that they will be killed by a man in a jungle. Finally, they made it to the camp the women were sold as slaves and the men were to be scarified. But eventually, Jaguar Paw would be released from being scarified and he goes back to his homeland to save his family. External adornment was worn throughout Apocalypto such as paint and make-up, intrinsic, sartorial, and local.All the tribe members wore a lot of black for their paint and make-up. According to my course packet, black is meant for protection. Intrinsic adornments are shown through their accessories. Each tribe member has some type of intrinsic adornment such as feathers, beads, shells, and teeth. These adornments are worn as necklaces, bracelets, and head ornaments. Also, feathers, beads, shells, and teeth are value too. Another type of adornment that is viewed in this movie is sartorial. I really got a chance to see sartorial adornments during the rituals.For example, the men that were killing other tribe men for sacrifice wore big masks with different colors and it was carved into funny looking faces. Also, they wore very big shields that look like necklaces, but it covers their shoulders and chest instead of being a necklace. In this movie, every tribe member showed some form of local adornment. The women wore a rough cotton material as a dress, but their breast and buttocks will still be seen. Also, the same for men but the only part of their body that is covered is their penis.Also, corporal adornment is shown in Apocalypto. Each tribe member in the movie had their on tattoos to describe their level of status. In Jaguar Paw’s tribe, the color of their tattoos is black and white. The other tribe men culture, women and men had green, red, black, and many more colors for their tattoos to represent their level of status too. Another important cororpal adornment is piercings. Most of tribe members have piercings in their chin, ears, and nose. For example, Jaguar Paw had a piercing on chin with a small circular object on it.Another example is Jaguar Paw’s dad, he have a piercing of a tooth or shell going through his nose. As earrings, they wear earrings that cuffed, spiral, or the round earrings that stretch their ears into a bigger size. The status roles among the tribes are different. Jaguar Paw’s tribe only has one leader which his father. The other tribe men have numerous of leaders that have their own personal adornment. Jaguar Paw’s father has feathers to represent is status in their tribe. He has big feathers that are placed on his shoulder.The leader of the other tribe has skulls, bones, and feathers to represent his role as a leader. He has a mask that is made out an alligator mouth with a creature head on top of the head piece and it has a few feathers on it too. Also, the other tribe men have leaders that are over them. Their leaders wear color tattoos, bigger and better intrinsic adornments, and have more beautiful external and corporal adornments. One of those leaders has beads that link off one another and it goes down his stomach. He also wore a head piece that has colorful, big feathers on it too.In Apocalypto, the higher you get in social status, you will get better adornments. The language that was spoken in this movie is called Yucatec Maya. This language is spoken among people of Yucatan Maya of Mexico. Throughout this whole movie, I only saw two rituals. The first ritual I saw was when Jaguar Paw and his tribe sat around a fire while elder told a story. After he told his story, the tribe members begin to dancing. After Jaguar Paw was captured, he was taken to a place where they scarified men for their God. My personal reaction to this movie was neutral.Overall, I think Apocalypto is a good movie but it is not the type of action movie I typically watch. I do not dislike anything about the movie, but it did kind of bore me at some point of time. I enjoyed how the tribe members loved their families especially toward the children. I am very impressed with the language that was spoken in the movie. Also, I got very sad when the mothers were taking away from their children. The children were left alone to raise themselves and each other. If I had to recommend this movie to a friend I would because it is good movie and it has a great meaning.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Making a buffer
Name Date experiment performed CRN of lab section: Grade: Days late: Instructor Initials: General Grading Items 25 Points Attendance at Pre-lab MeetingCopies of lab pages attached; labeled with name and date, complete information, readable, data recorded matches results given in report| /5| Waste was properly disposed of and lab area was cleanedEvaluation of student performance overall (student was on time, followed safety rules, performed the lab correctly and within the time allowed, etc) Total for General Grading Items Data Analysis and Interpretation Part | 75 Points| Titration Curves| /25|Question 1Question 2Question 3Total for Data Analysis and InterpretationData Table Buffer A| Buffer B| Mass of NaC2H3O2 used to prepare buffer (grams)Volume of buffer prepared (mL) 100. 0| 100. 0Molar concentration of HC2H3O2 in buffer (M) Initial pH of bufferVolume of 0. 5 M NaOH to raise pH by 2 units (mL)Volume of 0. 5 M HCl to lower pH by 2 units (mL)Volume of 0. 5 M NaOH at equivalence point (mL)Data AnalysisWrite reaction equations to explain how your acetic acid-acetate buffer reacts with an acid and reacts with a base.Buffer capacity has a rather loose definition, yet it is an important property of buffers. A commonly seen definition of buffer capacity is: â€Å"The amount of H+ or OH– that can be neutralized before the pH changes to a significant degree. †Use your data to determine the buffer capacity of Buffer A and Buffer B. (Graphically, we can identify buffer capacity by the sudden change to a very steep slope. )Say, for example, that you had prepared a Buffer C, in which you mixed 8. 203 g of sodium acetate, NaC2H3O2, with 100. 0 mL of 1. 0 M acetic acid. a. What would be the initial pH of Buffer C? b. If you add 5. 0 mL of 0. 5 M NaOH solution to 20. 0 mL each of Buffer B and Buffer C, which buffer’s pH would change less? Explain.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Ten Little Indians
Fritz Perls once said â€Å"I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine. †In the short story The Search Engine, by Sherman Alexie, the Native American culture is trying to live up to the expectations of the white world. The main character Corliss, a Spokane Indian, is expected to do well in college so she can move back to the reservation to help her tribe. There is also a cultural difference between our world and that of the Spokane when it comes to the roles of gender.Corliss is a very bright individual who has plans beyond the Spokane reservation. When Corliss was younger she was ridiculed for her love of reading. Even though her passion for reading is part of the reason she was able to attend college, the men in her tribe still disagree with reading about nineteenth century white people. Despite the disagreements they are all very proud that she is pursuing a higher education. Corliss’s parents boast about how Corliss will one day come back to fix everything that is wrong with the tribe.In reality they are ignorant to Corliss’s real dreams and ambitions. Gender roles can be defined as the behaviors and attitudes expected of male and female members of a society by that society. In the Spokane tribe the women made more money and held better jobs than the men. In our society, even with more equality for women today, men earn a substantial amount more than women do. For the Spokane men to just sit around and brag about their spouses’ accomplishments seems unreal to our culture.Native American culture is very different from that of American culture. Rather than the Spokane tribesmen trying to better the tribe themselves, they are counting on Corliss to graduate law school and fix the problems of the tribe. The men of the tribe are not fully applying themselves to employment, the tribe, or each other. The values, goals, and practices of the Spokane tribe make their culture foreign to the average American.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Blood Transfusion
BIOPURE INDUSTRIESA Marketing Analysis Based on the data from the case study by Jonn Gourville, Biopure Corporation , HBS, 1998April 20, 2005By Veronica Stepanova Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 Situation AnalysisI. Human Market†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3II. Animal Market†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 Marketing Plan for oxyglobin†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6 Final decision†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 Appendix 1 A (Excel documents, separate attachment) Appendix 1 B Executive Summary Many opportunities are available in the human blood market due to several disadvantages of thecurrently available alternatives. Even more opportunities exist in the animal blood market. †¢Oxyglobin should be positioned as a high-quality product designed for middle- to upper-classbudgets. †¢The price for Oxyglobin should be about $200 for the consumer and around $100 for the supplier(animal hospital) to account for distribution markups and other carrying costs. †¢Distribution should be oriented in the regional vicinity of the operation and implement largerclinics.In addition, only emergency clinics are to be targeted. Current opportunities are favorable for Oxyglobin’s launch. Situation Analysis I. Human blood market. †¢Patients with acute blood loss from trauma and surgery – 40% individuals aged 65+. †¢Chronic anemia patients (any age) – 1. 5 million for the year 1995. †¢Blood loss, resulting from trauma (e. g. car accident) and exceeding 2-3 units (1 unit = 10% of total blood content of human body) needs immediate blood transfusion. †¢Price is largely cost-based (storage, implementation) – blood donation is free.Existing options. †¢Red blood cells and their components (hemoglobin, platelets, and plasma) are collected viadonations, organized by blood collection centers and then transfused into patients. †¢Current options allow for storage for 6 weeks in refrigerated conditions, consequently disposed of if unused. Hemoglobin uses oxygen-carrying efficiency by 50% if not used within the first few weeks. †¢Blood transfusion is subject to blood typing (A, B, AB, O, positive, negative) andreception/rejection by the body. Incorrect matching may be fatal for the patient. Infection risks slow down the process of testing blood prior to its use and are greater if blood isnot separated into components. Infections include the risks of AIDS, hepatitis B, and contamination. †¢Blood transfusion is available on-site only (hospital or emergency room); as a result, 30% traumapatients die prior to operation. †¢Blood supply is lower than demand, especially during peak periods (summer months and winterholidays, during which car and other travel increases ? fewer donors and more patients). Blood substitutes. †¢3 companies in final stages awaiting FDA approval (clinical testing). Entrance into market is difficult (all current processes patented) and time-consuming – may takeup to 17 years (See case Exhibit 3). Potential to replace current blood drawing process by component separation and purification, aswell as chemical modification and stabilization of hemoglobin. Reduced risk of contamination and increased storage capability of 2 years. Added benefits for patients with constricted or restricted blood vessels (smaller size improvedaccessibility to organs). Possibility of adapting animal blood cells for use in humans. Risk of toxicity and body rejection (sped up excretion). Competitors/industry players .A. Baxter & Northfield Laboratories. †¢Both rely on human blood supply to derive hemoglobin. †¢Red blood cells obtained from expired banks. †¢Require refrigeration. Baxter: †¢Leader in development and manufacturing of blood-oriented medical equipment. †¢Large facility – production capacity of 1 million units/year, spent $250 million on R&D. †¢Product – HemAssist – to be priced between $600-$800. Northfield: †¢ Small facility – 10,000-unit production capability but possible expansion into 300,000 units/year. Focus on single product (PolyHeme), $70 million spent on development. B. Biopure Corporation. †¢Specializes in protein purification for pharmaceutical use. †¢Hemopure 2 years away from final approval. †¢Derived from the blood of cattle. †¢Production capacity of 150,000 but possible production limitations due to expected concurrentusage of production equipment for animal version. †¢Need for removal of hemoglobin clusters from product? excess process in production ability. †¢Cost for Biopure at $1. 50 per unit of animal blood, but plan to match Baxter’s price for finalconsumer product.II. Animal blood market. †¢Mainly cats (35%) and dogs (50%). †¢800 dogs were brought to emergency treatment due to acute blood loss in 1995, 2. 5% severe. Existing options. †¢15,000 veterinary clinics. †¢5% of vet clinics p erform emergency care, with a 75% referral rate from primary care clinics. †¢Current blood banks insufficient, demand greatly exceeds supply: 2. 5 out of 30 cases treated. †¢93% blood drawn from donor animals (78% in emergencies) – an ethically questionable practice. †¢150 units of blood transfused per emergency care, 17 per primary care center (Appendix A). No effective blood typing or cross-matching systems. †¢Blood collection, storage, and transfusion too costly for proper operation. †¢Current cost of clinical care to animal owners relatively high, undesirable. ? 84% doctor dissatisfaction with current alternatives. Blood substitutes. †¢Biopure’s Oxyglobin currently the only existing FDA-approved substitute ready for launch. †¢No evident chemical difference in the production process between animal and human supplement. †¢Animal supplement approved sooner than human equivalent due to less-strict regulations in theanimal consumer market. Production capacity of 300,000 units, $200 million spent on development (combined withHemopure) Marketing Plan for OxyglobinPositioning strategy. Most animal owners (enthusiasts) can be assumed to be within the middle to upperincome class, based on the extraneous costs of owning an animal (refer to case Exhibit 8 for a summary of average costs of keeping a pet). However, many consumers proved to be price-conscious about spendingadditional funds on optional services (this will be analyzed further in the pricing strategy); therefore, nopremium strategy should be used.The product should be positioned as a high-quality supplement forblood transfusion, available to (affordable by) most animal owners. Pricing strategy. As cited, animal owners expect to spend limited amounts of money on animal care; thisis slightly different for emergency situations, where customers are willing to spend more, as demonstratedby the survey results (Exhibit 8; Table B). The typical cost of a blood transfusion to the customer iscurrently $100 for the traditional method; however, this price was said to have been cost-unjustified.Still,veterinarians were cited as the trusted source for determining a patient’s treatment selection, which putspressure on the new substitute segment to set a competitive price standard. While profit margins mayprove higher on a higher-priced item, the product’s sensitivity to reputation for being a supposedlyâ€Å"better, cheaper alternative†to currently available options, which would satisfy the currently largely-unfulfilled demand for blood transfusion, would pressure Biopure to price its Oxyglobin according tocustomer expectations (See â€Å"Existing options†, page 5 of this report).Those expectations, as we can seefrom the attached appendix (Appendix 1 A and B), are that the price to the consumer be about $200 ($100to the veterinarian – keeping the 50% markup), which would give the company the largest marginal gainin revenues (higher prices are actually marginal losses! ), while still retaining the major demand (weconsider emergency care centers more important here, since they have, proportionally, a much largerdemand than primary care centers).In terms of the price difference between Oxyglobin and its competitorin the human segment, Baxter, the latter spent $50 million more on R&D than Biopure, so the pricepremium on Baxter can be justified by higher costs; in addition, Biopure’s per-unit costs are significantlysmaller because it uses cattle blood. In addition, Biopure may price Hemopure slightly higher because of the extra processing that goes into making it, as well as the variation in the segment and target audience(people are willing to spend more on themselves than on animals). Distribution.Biopure should only target emergency care practices. Although those only make up 5% of the overall industry, 75% primary care specialists will refer an acute blood loss case (such as a trauma) toone of these centers. Furthermore, Biopure should target large practices (3+ doctors) through regionaldistributors, both of which account for the largest sales in the industry. Considering the limited volume of supplies Biopure is going to have, a national distribution may not be desirable right away, until thecompany at least increases its production capabilities.A regional distributor would be local enough tounderstand the specific needs of its market (e. g. , New England), and a larger vet practice could provemore efficient (and less costly) in terms of the availability of materials and the reduction of transfers,thereby also reducing the consumer’s costs and increasing the rate of success by providing a quicker service (in other words, it would have more cases, but more doctors available to help overall, fewercases per doctor †“ see Exhibit 7).Of course, the drawback is that a large clinic would not be as personal. The 1 million dollar question: Should Oxyglobin be launched? – Yes. †¢Launching early allows for an audience test:? Achieve acclaim/recognition for a break-through discovery that is beneficial because it-Fulfills an unsatisfied/dissatisfied need (better quality blood transfusion, availability);-Reduces costs to both suppliers and consumers.? Easier entry into secondary (human) market – â€Å"tested on animals†– more trusted than untestedcompetitors.?Potential to utilize production to full potential (instead of splitting up with Hemopure); later on, dividebased on larger per-unit profit (and not necessarily the stated 150:300 ratio).? If fails or doesn’t test well: – Would aid in the decision about improving current human version (complete discontinuation notan option due to the immense initial investment in R&D);- Reduce the shock of having to change both formulas (processes) simultaneously – longer timespan gives better flexibility and more time for testing and improvement – less drastic. Hemopure and Oxyglobin, although similar in purposes, are meant for two completelydifferent segments; they should not be compared based on price because price expectations aredifferent for humans than they are for animal needs; the demand for Oxyglobin is clear andsignificant, while the demand for the same product in the human market is questionable. Therefore, stick with Oxyglobin – which already has the approval – and launch it.
Friday, September 13, 2019
An Analysis of Googles Internal Management
We are going to do the research on their internal management, and then define their key factors of success; moreover applying Google’s management to different industry. Keywords: Google, internal management, welfare system, work environment, different industry. List of figures Figure Introduction In a company, the internal management is the most important factor. In addition, if a company has a good internal management, employees will not only enhance their effectiveness but also keep those employees with good performance to stay in the company and reduce errors. Consequently, my topic is to investigate how the internal management encourages employees to be creative and effective. I am going to do the research on Google, which is a well-known search engine. Google’s internal management is also well known to the whole world for its work environment, welfare system and company culture. I have chosen this topic for my research report, on the one hand, I want to be a successful leader and I am going to study business management for my master degree. On the other hand, my father and his friends are all successful businessmen, who always teach me some practical and professional knowledge about management and share their personal experiences to me. Furthermore, they once suggested me studying business management, which may be useful in the future, for the reason that if you want to organize a company profitably and prosperously, you must master in good management skills. As a result, I am Interested in business management. I strongly believe that a good management method could affect the whole enterprise. Every year, Fortune Magazine sorts out a list, named â€Å"Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work for†. In preparing the list, the magazine relies on two criteria: the culture and the policies of each company as well as the opinions of the company’s own employees. Google has topped the Fortune’s list for many times. It can be proven that Google’s internal management has done very well. Thus, the following research objectives were set: 1. To analyse Google’s internal management (SWOT). 2. To estimate how well Google’s internal management could be applied to different industries. 2. Literature Review 2. Work environment A good work environment could influence employees very much. For example, to reduce stress, Google’s employees can play volleyball, football, video games, table tennis or even roller hockey on the campus, which makes employees feel like they are still at the college campus rather than being in the office. (Kuntze, R. and Matu lich, E. 2010). Another remarkable example is that respecting the employees who are from different cultures. Google currently has 14 offices in different states and more than 40 countries worldwide; it must have many workers from different nationalities. In different offices have various local customs of decoration and interior decoration (Google). 2. 2 Welfare system Google provides its employees with a wide range of benefits to make sure that the employees are satisfied and loyal to the company. These benefits include: free food, onsite childcare, healthcare services, transportation services, laundry and dry cleaning services, sport facilities, pets allowed, 20% creative time program, environmentalism, numerous holiday and leave days, and other services (Kuntze, R. and Matulich, E. 2010). The other companies have never executed these benefits mentioned above. In addition, their welfare system has few innovative rules, â€Å"The company has a policy of unlimited sick leave, and only expects employees to work 70% of the time. It factors in opportunities for staff to think of ways to work better, and allows impromptu sport during the work day. †(Logan, 2008:3). 2. 3 Company culture Although Google is a Large-scale company, their leader tries to maintain their atmosphere feels like a small company without hierarchy, employees can say whatever they want to say, they can bring up all of their ideas or thinking to their manager whenever they want. Google). Furthermore, Google attempts to keep the good employees in the company and have a good relationship between leaders and employees. Every Friday afternoon the founders gather all employees into an open area for a TGIF meeting. (Raphael: 2003). 3. Methodology A SWOT analysis is a well known management tool, one of which could very quickly to find strengths and weaknesses. It could apply to all kinds of research. That is the reason why SWOT is one of the most common used management tools recently. Strengths |Weaknesses | | | | |Opportunities |Threats | | | | Figure 1: SWOT analysis table. In this research does not need to calculate the data. SWOT analysis is one of suitable management tools in this research, it is also easy and clear to use and understand. Therefore, I will use SWOT to analyse Google’s internal management, after that I will apply Google’s management method to manufacture industry, and do the SWOT analysis again, interpreting the analysis according to my own working experiences. First of all, the data will be collected from Google website and my work experience, moreover, some of the research which had published from experts. The collected data will be consisting of work environment, employee’s welfare system, company culture, relationship between leader and team members. After that, using SWOT analysis to analyse all the aspects mentioned above. Followed by an investigation to see whether Google’s internal management can be applied to different industry or not. 4. Analysis and results |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Good work environment. |High costs. | |Good welfare system. |Low pay. | |Keep structures flat. |Lost in the crowd. | |Opportunities |Threats | |Create new policy for welfare system. More and more competitors use the same method. | |Encourage employee to work at home. | | Figure 2: SWOT analysis of Google’s internal management. Strengths Google’s internal management has many strengths, one of strengths is that all of its offices have good work environments; they design different interior decorations according to different culture, and build up many recreational facilities, for the sack of reducing stress as well as increasing creativity and efficiency. The second strength is good welfare system, Google formulates some benefits not only to keep the good employees and encourage them to do their best but also devote to the company. Hamel reports that The Founders’ Awards, an annual multimillion dollar payout to teams who’ve made outsize contributions to Google’s growth, is one key retention mechanism The goal: to ensure that internal entrepreneurs have no incentive to take their best ideas somewhere else. (2006: A16). The third strength is to keep structures flat, in a large company usually has hierarchy that would waste lots of time on paper works and have difficulty in retaining a good relationship between high level managers and low level employees, however Google try to keep the office’s atmosphere like a small company. In Google, employees could raise their queries or propose their ideas to the managers or founders directly. It is unlike usual management which needs lots of paper works. Weaknesses Certainly, not everything could be perfect; Google also has some problems about its management. The first problem is cost; Google spends about 50% of revenue on their welfare system. (Kafka, 2009). Although founders thinks that could increase productivity and efficiency of the organization, the budget of welfare system spending still too much. The second problem is low salary, Google sets up many employees’ benefits and bonus system are better than other competitors; however, their pay is lower than the others. Most of Google’s employees have fixed salaries that are significantly lower than the industry average, even when those base salaries are supplemented by stock options. (About. com 2009). The last example is lost in the crowds, the problem is some of employees want to issue their ideas but there are too many ideas in Google. Consequently, employees feel depressed when they can not issue their ideas. Hardy (2007) reports that with more than 20,000 people working for Google, some people feel their ideas are lost in crowds. It is a highly competitive environment with everybody trying to make the next â€Å"in†thing. Opportunities Google could create new policy or develop their welfare system, trying to find the new thing could let workers pay more attention to their works and elevate employee’s creativity. In addition, encourage employee to work at home. Even though offices are decorated like home or any places make employee feels relaxed, it is still a office not home, as s result, enable the workers to work at home could be one of the new solution to increase efficiency also reduce the costs. Threats After Google created the new vision of internal management, there are more and more enterprises copying Google’s management method, not only the same industry but also others industries and applied to their companies. Accordingly, Google’s competitors could provide the same or better condition o attract Google’s good employees to their company. |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Good work environment. |Working environment atmosphere too relax. | |Good welfare system. |Poor management. | |Opportunities |Threats | |Good relationship between managers and employees. |Worker’s education level. | Figure 3: SWOT analysis of Google’s internal management is applied on di fferent industry (Manufacture). Strengths All of the employees who are from different industries, they all need to work at a good environment. In manufacture industry, employees work at dangerous environment, they need a place to release their stress. Like Google’s office, there are many places or equipments to help their workers reduce their stress. The next point is welfare system, most of the manufacture companies use original management, they do not have a good welfare system. As a result, if manufacture companies use Google’s management method might urge worker’s morale. Employees would feel satisfied staying in the company for a long time, it is good for those manufacture companies, because in this industry, company prefer employee who has long experience. In manufacturing, experienced worker’s efficiency is more than apprentice. Weaknesses Many employees find the work environment far too much fun and perhaps even an ‘overload’ of happiness. Most workers are able to find their focus and sanctuary at work but for some, a more professional and structured work environment is necessary. Arrington, 2009). In manufacture industry, workers should be very engrossed when they are working. If employees feel too relaxed when they were working, an accident might happen. The other point is hierarchy structure, most of employees who work for manufacture industry, and the education level is less than employees who work for information industry. Thus, in manufacture industry should use hierarchy structure to contain every step, because it would be easier to find the problem if error happens during the process. Moreover, the last point is industry’s character is different, the duty of the manufacture industry is to produce goods, company must have done their work in time, however information industries mainly focus on creating new things, time is not a big issue as for them. Opportunities As we known, manufacture industry usually use original management. This management has a big gap between leader and worker, because they are very difficult to meet each other. Using Google’s method might ameliorate the relationship between leader and worker. Thanks to the low hierarchy, workers and managers can interact intimately, in this way; relationship between them will definitely become closer. Threats The Google’s management style is free; it gives their worker to organize their time management by themselves. Although Google’s employees have a lot of free time, they still do their job very well. The main problem is education level. In the information industry, most of employee’s education levels are higher than people who are working for the manufacture industry. The meaning is high level education employees are more positive, their time management organization are better than those employees with low level education. 5. Conclusion I used SWOT analysis to define the unique aspects of Google’s management and assumed that it is applied to different industries; I learned two important points from this research as well. The first one is that I understood why Google can win â€Å"The best company for work†many times. Actuality, Google’s salary is lower than industry average but it An Analysis of Googles Internal Management We are going to do the research on their internal management, and then define their key factors of success; moreover applying Google’s management to different industry. Keywords: Google, internal management, welfare system, work environment, different industry. List of figures Figure Introduction In a company, the internal management is the most important factor. In addition, if a company has a good internal management, employees will not only enhance their effectiveness but also keep those employees with good performance to stay in the company and reduce errors. Consequently, my topic is to investigate how the internal management encourages employees to be creative and effective. I am going to do the research on Google, which is a well-known search engine. Google’s internal management is also well known to the whole world for its work environment, welfare system and company culture. I have chosen this topic for my research report, on the one hand, I want to be a successful leader and I am going to study business management for my master degree. On the other hand, my father and his friends are all successful businessmen, who always teach me some practical and professional knowledge about management and share their personal experiences to me. Furthermore, they once suggested me studying business management, which may be useful in the future, for the reason that if you want to organize a company profitably and prosperously, you must master in good management skills. As a result, I am Interested in business management. I strongly believe that a good management method could affect the whole enterprise. Every year, Fortune Magazine sorts out a list, named â€Å"Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work for†. In preparing the list, the magazine relies on two criteria: the culture and the policies of each company as well as the opinions of the company’s own employees. Google has topped the Fortune’s list for many times. It can be proven that Google’s internal management has done very well. Thus, the following research objectives were set: 1. To analyse Google’s internal management (SWOT). 2. To estimate how well Google’s internal management could be applied to different industries. 2. Literature Review 2. Work environment A good work environment could influence employees very much. For example, to reduce stress, Google’s employees can play volleyball, football, video games, table tennis or even roller hockey on the campus, which makes employees feel like they are still at the college campus rather than being in the office. (Kuntze, R. and Matu lich, E. 2010). Another remarkable example is that respecting the employees who are from different cultures. Google currently has 14 offices in different states and more than 40 countries worldwide; it must have many workers from different nationalities. In different offices have various local customs of decoration and interior decoration (Google). 2. 2 Welfare system Google provides its employees with a wide range of benefits to make sure that the employees are satisfied and loyal to the company. These benefits include: free food, onsite childcare, healthcare services, transportation services, laundry and dry cleaning services, sport facilities, pets allowed, 20% creative time program, environmentalism, numerous holiday and leave days, and other services (Kuntze, R. and Matulich, E. 2010). The other companies have never executed these benefits mentioned above. In addition, their welfare system has few innovative rules, â€Å"The company has a policy of unlimited sick leave, and only expects employees to work 70% of the time. It factors in opportunities for staff to think of ways to work better, and allows impromptu sport during the work day. †(Logan, 2008:3). 2. 3 Company culture Although Google is a Large-scale company, their leader tries to maintain their atmosphere feels like a small company without hierarchy, employees can say whatever they want to say, they can bring up all of their ideas or thinking to their manager whenever they want. Google). Furthermore, Google attempts to keep the good employees in the company and have a good relationship between leaders and employees. Every Friday afternoon the founders gather all employees into an open area for a TGIF meeting. (Raphael: 2003). 3. Methodology A SWOT analysis is a well known management tool, one of which could very quickly to find strengths and weaknesses. It could apply to all kinds of research. That is the reason why SWOT is one of the most common used management tools recently. Strengths |Weaknesses | | | | |Opportunities |Threats | | | | Figure 1: SWOT analysis table. In this research does not need to calculate the data. SWOT analysis is one of suitable management tools in this research, it is also easy and clear to use and understand. Therefore, I will use SWOT to analyse Google’s internal management, after that I will apply Google’s management method to manufacture industry, and do the SWOT analysis again, interpreting the analysis according to my own working experiences. First of all, the data will be collected from Google website and my work experience, moreover, some of the research which had published from experts. The collected data will be consisting of work environment, employee’s welfare system, company culture, relationship between leader and team members. After that, using SWOT analysis to analyse all the aspects mentioned above. Followed by an investigation to see whether Google’s internal management can be applied to different industry or not. 4. Analysis and results |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Good work environment. |High costs. | |Good welfare system. |Low pay. | |Keep structures flat. |Lost in the crowd. | |Opportunities |Threats | |Create new policy for welfare system. More and more competitors use the same method. | |Encourage employee to work at home. | | Figure 2: SWOT analysis of Google’s internal management. Strengths Google’s internal management has many strengths, one of strengths is that all of its offices have good work environments; they design different interior decorations according to different culture, and build up many recreational facilities, for the sack of reducing stress as well as increasing creativity and efficiency. The second strength is good welfare system, Google formulates some benefits not only to keep the good employees and encourage them to do their best but also devote to the company. Hamel reports that The Founders’ Awards, an annual multimillion dollar payout to teams who’ve made outsize contributions to Google’s growth, is one key retention mechanism The goal: to ensure that internal entrepreneurs have no incentive to take their best ideas somewhere else. (2006: A16). The third strength is to keep structures flat, in a large company usually has hierarchy that would waste lots of time on paper works and have difficulty in retaining a good relationship between high level managers and low level employees, however Google try to keep the office’s atmosphere like a small company. In Google, employees could raise their queries or propose their ideas to the managers or founders directly. It is unlike usual management which needs lots of paper works. Weaknesses Certainly, not everything could be perfect; Google also has some problems about its management. The first problem is cost; Google spends about 50% of revenue on their welfare system. (Kafka, 2009). Although founders thinks that could increase productivity and efficiency of the organization, the budget of welfare system spending still too much. The second problem is low salary, Google sets up many employees’ benefits and bonus system are better than other competitors; however, their pay is lower than the others. Most of Google’s employees have fixed salaries that are significantly lower than the industry average, even when those base salaries are supplemented by stock options. (About. com 2009). The last example is lost in the crowds, the problem is some of employees want to issue their ideas but there are too many ideas in Google. Consequently, employees feel depressed when they can not issue their ideas. Hardy (2007) reports that with more than 20,000 people working for Google, some people feel their ideas are lost in crowds. It is a highly competitive environment with everybody trying to make the next â€Å"in†thing. Opportunities Google could create new policy or develop their welfare system, trying to find the new thing could let workers pay more attention to their works and elevate employee’s creativity. In addition, encourage employee to work at home. Even though offices are decorated like home or any places make employee feels relaxed, it is still a office not home, as s result, enable the workers to work at home could be one of the new solution to increase efficiency also reduce the costs. Threats After Google created the new vision of internal management, there are more and more enterprises copying Google’s management method, not only the same industry but also others industries and applied to their companies. Accordingly, Google’s competitors could provide the same or better condition o attract Google’s good employees to their company. |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Good work environment. |Working environment atmosphere too relax. | |Good welfare system. |Poor management. | |Opportunities |Threats | |Good relationship between managers and employees. |Worker’s education level. | Figure 3: SWOT analysis of Google’s internal management is applied on di fferent industry (Manufacture). Strengths All of the employees who are from different industries, they all need to work at a good environment. In manufacture industry, employees work at dangerous environment, they need a place to release their stress. Like Google’s office, there are many places or equipments to help their workers reduce their stress. The next point is welfare system, most of the manufacture companies use original management, they do not have a good welfare system. As a result, if manufacture companies use Google’s management method might urge worker’s morale. Employees would feel satisfied staying in the company for a long time, it is good for those manufacture companies, because in this industry, company prefer employee who has long experience. In manufacturing, experienced worker’s efficiency is more than apprentice. Weaknesses Many employees find the work environment far too much fun and perhaps even an ‘overload’ of happiness. Most workers are able to find their focus and sanctuary at work but for some, a more professional and structured work environment is necessary. Arrington, 2009). In manufacture industry, workers should be very engrossed when they are working. If employees feel too relaxed when they were working, an accident might happen. The other point is hierarchy structure, most of employees who work for manufacture industry, and the education level is less than employees who work for information industry. Thus, in manufacture industry should use hierarchy structure to contain every step, because it would be easier to find the problem if error happens during the process. Moreover, the last point is industry’s character is different, the duty of the manufacture industry is to produce goods, company must have done their work in time, however information industries mainly focus on creating new things, time is not a big issue as for them. Opportunities As we known, manufacture industry usually use original management. This management has a big gap between leader and worker, because they are very difficult to meet each other. Using Google’s method might ameliorate the relationship between leader and worker. Thanks to the low hierarchy, workers and managers can interact intimately, in this way; relationship between them will definitely become closer. Threats The Google’s management style is free; it gives their worker to organize their time management by themselves. Although Google’s employees have a lot of free time, they still do their job very well. The main problem is education level. In the information industry, most of employee’s education levels are higher than people who are working for the manufacture industry. The meaning is high level education employees are more positive, their time management organization are better than those employees with low level education. 5. Conclusion I used SWOT analysis to define the unique aspects of Google’s management and assumed that it is applied to different industries; I learned two important points from this research as well. The first one is that I understood why Google can win â€Å"The best company for work†many times. Actuality, Google’s salary is lower than industry average but it
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