Friday, May 22, 2020
The Never Ending Problem Of Chicago - 1890 Words
D’Kota Sams Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors 6 April 2017 The Never Ending Problem in Chicago Since the 1950s everyone in America has known of the major problem plaguing southern and western Chicago streets: extreme amounts unnecessary of violence. This topic has become even more publicly known with the recent presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, where Trump spoke about the violence on multiple occasions as well as taking the topic to twitter a few times (Chicago Still Isn’t). Also, the number of murders, homicides, and other regular crimes all increased dramatically in 2016, breaking almost all statistics from previous years. Even though the violence does create jobs in the police force, the violence needs to be†¦show more content†¦Gangsters say that it becomes more of a lifestyle than a hobby. And because of this dedication, it has become extremely hard to get members to quit, or leave the gang, once they become an adult. After 2014, when Chicago’s death tolls dropped below average rates, the violence has begun to rise again. And with the â€Å"chaos†picking back up in 2015, nobody was prepared for the devastation that would take place in 2016. Statistics skyrocketed last year, becoming one for the record books. A major benefactor towards the number of deaths, has been the increase in gun violence. Guns are being brought into Chicago, from states like Virginia, Kentucky, and South Carolina, illegally. The Police (See Chicago’s Deadly) Department â€Å"did note, however, that more homicides were committed with guns in Chicago than other cities†(Gorner). Due to this increase in deaths, popular rappers, such as King Louie, Chief Keef, and Lil Durk have started referring to Chicago as â€Å"Chiraq†. This name, coming from a combination of Chicago and Iraq, was created by young blacks who said â€Å"it’s like a war zone in some neighborhoods†(There’s a Reason). The term has become an abbreviation for life, death, and anger that poverty stricken people of color experience in the city (What’s In A Nickname). Another study done by the Chicago Police Department showed that â€Å"in 2016, about 91 percent of Chicago sShow MoreRelatedAllegiant by Veronica Roth873 Words  | 4 PagesNew truths change the minds and hearts of those she loves. Once again, Tris has to battle to discover the complexities of human nature and face impossible choices using courage, allegiance, sacri fice, and love. As Allegiant begins, the new head of Chicago, Tobias’ mother, considers the release of the video, a video from the past about the factions, to be an act of rebellion for some unknown reason. Now, the Factionless have control of the city, and they have dissolved the factions, which makes mostRead Moreâ€Å"the Woman Hanging from the Thirteenth Floor Window†1293 Words  | 6 Pagesrepresent bigger picture. The woman represents anyone and everyone who has ever had problems piled up on them, the author uses ethos, pathos and logos to persuade how our social roles constrains who we are as people and because of this the women is hanging by a short thread trying to find herself and put all the piece to the puzzle of her life back together again. This woman hanging from the thirteenth floor is in Chicago, living in an Indian part of the city. â€Å"She sees Lake Michigan lapping at the shoresRead MoreRacism Of Chicago : The 1950 S1737 Words  | 7 PagesRacism in Chicago: The 1950’s to Today Today we live in a society where it is acceptable for a white and black family to be neighbors, even close friends. This situation has not always been the case. During the 1950’s, the time that the Younger family was living in Chicago, whites and blacks were living completely separate lives and a majority of the blacks were living in poverty. Although there are significant improvements we have made, there are still things that remain the same. Many AfricanRead More`` America The Beautiful, But Who Are You Beautiful For?1726 Words  | 7 Pagesexploration, Kozol dedicated two years in 1988 to tour the country and visit public school system in the poorest cities across the states. The chapters in this book are broken down by geographical location beginning with life in East St. Louis and ending with life in San Antonio, all while paying much regard to public school in Michigan, New York, New Jersey, and Washington D.C. Savage meaning; uncontrolled, cruel, and ruthless†¦ inequalities meaning; lack of equality. The main argument presented inRead MoreMurder Capital: â€Å"Chiraq, Drillinois†a City at War Essay1164 Words  | 5 Pagesbecause of a lack of access to resources. Gangs are classically viewed as a by-product of social disorganization, the weakness of traditional institutions, like the schools, to replace the lost primary networks of the traditional world. Home of the Chicago Bulls and great players, such as, Michael Jordan and Derick Rose, who have won six rings and it is considered to host one of the greatest NBA teams of all times. It is the adopted hometown of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama.Read MoreHuman Geography: Overpopulation Essay972 Words  | 4 Pagesresult of this, certain areas have not been able to adjust to their changing population. The consequences of such an inability to adapt are poverty, crime, and an overall lower quality of life. Lagos, Nigeria is a city that best exemplifies this problem. With too few jobs and such a high population (estimated at 21 million) and a density of 18,000 people per square kilometer, the people of Lagos are quite poor, with very few wealthy inhabitants. Due to their poverty, some people revert to more unorthodoxRead MoreThe White City By Erik Larson887 Words  | 4 Pages Erik Larson’s literary nonfiction novel â€Å"The Devil in the White City†surrounds the events of the 1893 Columbian Exposition World’s Fair in Chicago. Larson does a magnificent job intertwining the lives of two men who were changed by the events of the fair. Daniel H. Burnham, the brilliant architect behind the legendary 1893 World s Fair and Dr. H. H. Holmes, the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death. The purpose of this review is not only to summarize Larson’sRead MoreShould We Pay For Free Healthcare For Everyone?1569 Words  | 7 Pagesuninsured or under-insured. Imagine a woman needing a hip replacement, sitting in the hospital’s waiting room for surgery, when a nurse comes in to inform her that her surgery is cancelled mere hours before its set time. These are the injustices many in Chicago must face because health care providers won’t provide enough coverage or, most often, people simply canà ¢â‚¬â„¢t afford health insurance. While many Americans say the government should pay for free healthcare for everyone, one man is stepping up and actuallyRead MoreThe Black Sox Scandal : A Fix Game Against The Chicago White Sox1227 Words  | 5 PagesThe Black Sox Scandal is a fix game against the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Reds. This game was fixed by eight players from the Chicago White Sox. Players felt like they were not getting paid enough and their coach was treating them badly. The 1919 World Series was a game that changed baseball forever. There became a point where the line between ball players and gamblers were blurred. In 1919, the Chicago white coach Charles Comiskey was the main cause of The Black Sox Scandal. If coachRead MoreJane Addams : The Mother Of Social Work1185 Words  | 5 Pagestwo words that can best describe her. She was an advocate for education and better living conditions for those who did not have the means to do it themselves. Addams and Ellen G Starr opened a settlement house in Chicago, which is formally known as the Hull House. Having health problems never stopped Jane from dedicating her life to the Hull House, as well as other well-known contributions to the social work field. Several reforms were introduced during her time as a social worker. She has served on
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Alexander Hamilton Financial Plan - 739 Words
After the Founding Fathers ratified the Constitution, they realized that they had to deal with sixty-three million dollars debt that they owed to those who took part in the American Revolution. In order to pay back this debt Alexander Hamilton created a financial program. However, some Republicans such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison thought that his plan was unconstitutional because one would need to use the necessary and proper clause which most people feared because it gave the government too much power. This, however, is not so Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan however was mostly constitutional because it allowed it to use the powers as well as responsibilities congress already had such as print its own form of currency, issue†¦show more content†¦This could have been done because of in the Constitution, (I, 8, 1), congress had the power to tax. He also proposed the creation of the national bank. This too could have been done through the necessary and prop er clause because the national bank would help Congress to use its other powers like coin money and regulate commerce. The third and final report was the report on manufacture. In this Hamilton proposed aShow MoreRelatedAlexander Hamilton : The Influence Of Alexander Hamilton1102 Words  | 5 Pagesthe box. Although an individual that has influenced millions of people would be Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton is influential because he was one of Washington’s most trusted soldiers, his outlook on life inspired many people, and he created the first national bank. Alexander Hamilton is influential because he was one of Washingtons most trusted soldiers. For example, an article called Alexander Hamilton Biography states, â€Å"He drafted many of Washingtons important letters, he was sentRead MoreAlexander Hamilton And John Marshall1367 Words  | 6 Pagestasks ahead of it, such as structuring a well functioning government, economy, and court system. Two men who had an extreme influence over these things were Alexander Hamilton and John Marshall. Both had brilliant ideas to bring forth and would eventually shape the nation to be a land of economic prosperity and fairness. Hamilton’s financial plan began the emergence of an economically superior country and ended in the creation of political parties that would change the face of the nation. John Marshall’sRead MoreThe Forgotten Founder : Alexander Hamilton1196 Words  | 5 PagesAriel Fisher College Composition 3M Mr. Claxton December 10, 2015 The Forgotten Founder Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the United States, but little to no people recognize the accomplishments he made. As a young man he fought in the Revolutionary War under the command of George Washington and later went on to become the first Secretary of the Treasury. With a multitude of other achievements under his belt, it’s hard to comprehend how this amazing man became a forgotten figureRead MoreA Comparison Of Hamilton And Alexander Hamilton1149 Words  | 5 PagesIn early 1790, Alexander Hamilton presented an idea that initially established the National Bank. While Hamilton’s plan was the best solution to the financial difficulties the United States faced, it received a large amount of criticism. Thomas Jefferson vehemently objected to Hamilton’s proposal mainly regarding the constitutionality of the National Bank. In this paper, I argue that Alexander Hamilton’s proposal for the National Bank was better than Thomas Jefferson ’s because it created a path toRead MoreAlexander Hamilton ( 1755-1804 )860 Words  | 4 PagesAlexander Hamilton (1755-1804). Born 1755 in the British West Indies In 1774, he wrote his first political article defending the Patriots cause against the interests of pro-British Loyalists.In 1775, at the beginning of the Revolutionary War Hamilton became part of the New York Provincial Artillery Company and fought in the battles of Long Island, White Plains and Trenton.In the year of 1777, Hamilton became General George Washington s official assistant. In 1781 George Washington s granted HamiltonRead MoreAlexander Hamilton1725 Words  | 7 PagesConsider Napoleon, Fox, and Hamilton the three greatest men of our epoch, and If I were force to decide between the three, I would give without hesitation the first place to Hamilton (Kaplan 284)†. Those are the words of prominent French diplomat Charles Maurice De Talleyrand after spending a year in the United States. Those words of respect came because of the actions and influences that Alexander Hamilton had on a young United States that still have an effect today. Hamilton helped shaped and interpretRead MoreHamilton’s Vision Intended for the New Government of United States of America1269 Words  | 6 PagesJefferson to be the Secretary of State and asked Alexander Hamilton to be the Secretary of the Treasury. Because of the polarity of their political beliefs, Thomas Jefferson, a Republican who believed in strong states rights, and Alexander Hamilton, a Federalist who believed in a strong federal government, had differing opinions on all matters in the government. While Jefferson written that all men are created equal in the Declaration of Independence, Hamilton had helped created the constitution that foundedRead MoreThe Founding Brothers Analysis781 Words  | 4 PagesWashington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin. Ell is focuses on the characteristics, actions, events, and the ideologies differences that affect the American Revolution. In 1804, in Weehawken, a duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton takes place. â€Å"It was called an â€Å"interview†because dueling was illegal in many states, including New York†(23). Aaron Burr, the vice president of the United States, and Alexander Hamilton, the inspectorRead More Hamilton And The Economy Essay example1455 Words  | 6 Pages Your name Your teacher Date Hamilton and the Economy nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Since the birth of the country, there have been many influences on its development. The economy in particular has been an area of great importance. Many people have been factors in the growth of the United States’ economy. Perhaps the earliest and most influential of these was Alexander Hamilton. As shown in his effective policies, such as assumption of Revolutionary War debts, practical taxation, formation ofRead MoreThe Philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Essay916 Words  | 4 Pageslone men, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Both fought aggressively for a government based on their ideas, and both did make portions of the now-standing American government. This essay will outline the political, social and economic philosophies of both men, how their philosophies influenced the government today, and a closing opinion. Politics The political standings of Hamilton and Jefferson were the foundation and beginning of their lifelong arguments and disagreements. Hamilton was the
Alexander Hamilton Financial Plan - 739 Words
After the Founding Fathers ratified the Constitution, they realized that they had to deal with sixty-three million dollars debt that they owed to those who took part in the American Revolution. In order to pay back this debt Alexander Hamilton created a financial program. However, some Republicans such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison thought that his plan was unconstitutional because one would need to use the necessary and proper clause which most people feared because it gave the government too much power. This, however, is not so Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan however was mostly constitutional because it allowed it to use the powers as well as responsibilities congress already had such as print its own form of currency, issue†¦show more content†¦This could have been done because of in the Constitution, (I, 8, 1), congress had the power to tax. He also proposed the creation of the national bank. This too could have been done through the necessary and prop er clause because the national bank would help Congress to use its other powers like coin money and regulate commerce. The third and final report was the report on manufacture. In this Hamilton proposed aShow MoreRelatedAlexander Hamilton : The Influence Of Alexander Hamilton1102 Words  | 5 Pagesthe box. Although an individual that has influenced millions of people would be Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton is influential because he was one of Washington’s most trusted soldiers, his outlook on life inspired many people, and he created the first national bank. Alexander Hamilton is influential because he was one of Washingtons most trusted soldiers. For example, an article called Alexander Hamilton Biography states, â€Å"He drafted many of Washingtons important letters, he was sentRead MoreAlexander Hamilton And John Marshall1367 Words  | 6 Pagestasks ahead of it, such as structuring a well functioning government, economy, and court system. Two men who had an extreme influence over these things were Alexander Hamilton and John Marshall. Both had brilliant ideas to bring forth and would eventually shape the nation to be a land of economic prosperity and fairness. Hamilton’s financial plan began the emergence of an economically superior country and ended in the creation of political parties that would change the face of the nation. John Marshall’sRead MoreThe Forgotten Founder : Alexander Hamilton1196 Words  | 5 PagesAriel Fisher College Composition 3M Mr. Claxton December 10, 2015 The Forgotten Founder Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the United States, but little to no people recognize the accomplishments he made. As a young man he fought in the Revolutionary War under the command of George Washington and later went on to become the first Secretary of the Treasury. With a multitude of other achievements under his belt, it’s hard to comprehend how this amazing man became a forgotten figureRead MoreA Comparison Of Hamilton And Alexander Hamilton1149 Words  | 5 PagesIn early 1790, Alexander Hamilton presented an idea that initially established the National Bank. While Hamilton’s plan was the best solution to the financial difficulties the United States faced, it received a large amount of criticism. Thomas Jefferson vehemently objected to Hamilton’s proposal mainly regarding the constitutionality of the National Bank. In this paper, I argue that Alexander Hamilton’s proposal for the National Bank was better than Thomas Jefferson ’s because it created a path toRead MoreAlexander Hamilton ( 1755-1804 )860 Words  | 4 PagesAlexander Hamilton (1755-1804). Born 1755 in the British West Indies In 1774, he wrote his first political article defending the Patriots cause against the interests of pro-British Loyalists.In 1775, at the beginning of the Revolutionary War Hamilton became part of the New York Provincial Artillery Company and fought in the battles of Long Island, White Plains and Trenton.In the year of 1777, Hamilton became General George Washington s official assistant. In 1781 George Washington s granted HamiltonRead MoreAlexander Hamilton1725 Words  | 7 PagesConsider Napoleon, Fox, and Hamilton the three greatest men of our epoch, and If I were force to decide between the three, I would give without hesitation the first place to Hamilton (Kaplan 284)†. Those are the words of prominent French diplomat Charles Maurice De Talleyrand after spending a year in the United States. Those words of respect came because of the actions and influences that Alexander Hamilton had on a young United States that still have an effect today. Hamilton helped shaped and interpretRead MoreHamilton’s Vision Intended for the New Government of United States of America1269 Words  | 6 PagesJefferson to be the Secretary of State and asked Alexander Hamilton to be the Secretary of the Treasury. Because of the polarity of their political beliefs, Thomas Jefferson, a Republican who believed in strong states rights, and Alexander Hamilton, a Federalist who believed in a strong federal government, had differing opinions on all matters in the government. While Jefferson written that all men are created equal in the Declaration of Independence, Hamilton had helped created the constitution that foundedRead MoreThe Founding Brothers Analysis781 Words  | 4 PagesWashington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin. Ell is focuses on the characteristics, actions, events, and the ideologies differences that affect the American Revolution. In 1804, in Weehawken, a duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton takes place. â€Å"It was called an â€Å"interview†because dueling was illegal in many states, including New York†(23). Aaron Burr, the vice president of the United States, and Alexander Hamilton, the inspectorRead More Hamilton And The Economy Essay example1455 Words  | 6 Pages Your name Your teacher Date Hamilton and the Economy nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Since the birth of the country, there have been many influences on its development. The economy in particular has been an area of great importance. Many people have been factors in the growth of the United States’ economy. Perhaps the earliest and most influential of these was Alexander Hamilton. As shown in his effective policies, such as assumption of Revolutionary War debts, practical taxation, formation ofRead MoreThe Philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Essay916 Words  | 4 Pageslone men, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Both fought aggressively for a government based on their ideas, and both did make portions of the now-standing American government. This essay will outline the political, social and economic philosophies of both men, how their philosophies influenced the government today, and a closing opinion. Politics The political standings of Hamilton and Jefferson were the foundation and beginning of their lifelong arguments and disagreements. Hamilton was the
Alexander Hamilton Financial Plan - 739 Words
After the Founding Fathers ratified the Constitution, they realized that they had to deal with sixty-three million dollars debt that they owed to those who took part in the American Revolution. In order to pay back this debt Alexander Hamilton created a financial program. However, some Republicans such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison thought that his plan was unconstitutional because one would need to use the necessary and proper clause which most people feared because it gave the government too much power. This, however, is not so Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan however was mostly constitutional because it allowed it to use the powers as well as responsibilities congress already had such as print its own form of currency, issue†¦show more content†¦This could have been done because of in the Constitution, (I, 8, 1), congress had the power to tax. He also proposed the creation of the national bank. This too could have been done through the necessary and prop er clause because the national bank would help Congress to use its other powers like coin money and regulate commerce. The third and final report was the report on manufacture. In this Hamilton proposed aShow MoreRelatedAlexander Hamilton : The Influence Of Alexander Hamilton1102 Words  | 5 Pagesthe box. Although an individual that has influenced millions of people would be Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton is influential because he was one of Washington’s most trusted soldiers, his outlook on life inspired many people, and he created the first national bank. Alexander Hamilton is influential because he was one of Washingtons most trusted soldiers. For example, an article called Alexander Hamilton Biography states, â€Å"He drafted many of Washingtons important letters, he was sentRead MoreAlexander Hamilton And John Marshall1367 Words  | 6 Pagestasks ahead of it, such as structuring a well functioning government, economy, and court system. Two men who had an extreme influence over these things were Alexander Hamilton and John Marshall. Both had brilliant ideas to bring forth and would eventually shape the nation to be a land of economic prosperity and fairness. Hamilton’s financial plan began the emergence of an economically superior country and ended in the creation of political parties that would change the face of the nation. John Marshall’sRead MoreThe Forgotten Founder : Alexander Hamilton1196 Words  | 5 PagesAriel Fisher College Composition 3M Mr. Claxton December 10, 2015 The Forgotten Founder Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the United States, but little to no people recognize the accomplishments he made. As a young man he fought in the Revolutionary War under the command of George Washington and later went on to become the first Secretary of the Treasury. With a multitude of other achievements under his belt, it’s hard to comprehend how this amazing man became a forgotten figureRead MoreA Comparison Of Hamilton And Alexander Hamilton1149 Words  | 5 PagesIn early 1790, Alexander Hamilton presented an idea that initially established the National Bank. While Hamilton’s plan was the best solution to the financial difficulties the United States faced, it received a large amount of criticism. Thomas Jefferson vehemently objected to Hamilton’s proposal mainly regarding the constitutionality of the National Bank. In this paper, I argue that Alexander Hamilton’s proposal for the National Bank was better than Thomas Jefferson ’s because it created a path toRead MoreAlexander Hamilton ( 1755-1804 )860 Words  | 4 PagesAlexander Hamilton (1755-1804). Born 1755 in the British West Indies In 1774, he wrote his first political article defending the Patriots cause against the interests of pro-British Loyalists.In 1775, at the beginning of the Revolutionary War Hamilton became part of the New York Provincial Artillery Company and fought in the battles of Long Island, White Plains and Trenton.In the year of 1777, Hamilton became General George Washington s official assistant. In 1781 George Washington s granted HamiltonRead MoreAlexander Hamilton1725 Words  | 7 PagesConsider Napoleon, Fox, and Hamilton the three greatest men of our epoch, and If I were force to decide between the three, I would give without hesitation the first place to Hamilton (Kaplan 284)†. Those are the words of prominent French diplomat Charles Maurice De Talleyrand after spending a year in the United States. Those words of respect came because of the actions and influences that Alexander Hamilton had on a young United States that still have an effect today. Hamilton helped shaped and interpretRead MoreHamilton’s Vision Intended for the New Government of United States of America1269 Words  | 6 PagesJefferson to be the Secretary of State and asked Alexander Hamilton to be the Secretary of the Treasury. Because of the polarity of their political beliefs, Thomas Jefferson, a Republican who believed in strong states rights, and Alexander Hamilton, a Federalist who believed in a strong federal government, had differing opinions on all matters in the government. While Jefferson written that all men are created equal in the Declaration of Independence, Hamilton had helped created the constitution that foundedRead MoreThe Founding Brothers Analysis781 Words  | 4 PagesWashington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin. Ell is focuses on the characteristics, actions, events, and the ideologies differences that affect the American Revolution. In 1804, in Weehawken, a duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton takes place. â€Å"It was called an â€Å"interview†because dueling was illegal in many states, including New York†(23). Aaron Burr, the vice president of the United States, and Alexander Hamilton, the inspectorRead More Hamilton And The Economy Essay example1455 Words  | 6 Pages Your name Your teacher Date Hamilton and the Economy nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Since the birth of the country, there have been many influences on its development. The economy in particular has been an area of great importance. Many people have been factors in the growth of the United States’ economy. Perhaps the earliest and most influential of these was Alexander Hamilton. As shown in his effective policies, such as assumption of Revolutionary War debts, practical taxation, formation ofRead MoreThe Philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Essay916 Words  | 4 Pageslone men, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Both fought aggressively for a government based on their ideas, and both did make portions of the now-standing American government. This essay will outline the political, social and economic philosophies of both men, how their philosophies influenced the government today, and a closing opinion. Politics The political standings of Hamilton and Jefferson were the foundation and beginning of their lifelong arguments and disagreements. Hamilton was the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Return Midnight Chapter 30 Free Essays
â€Å"Strip to your underwear and get in on the other side,†Damon said. His voice was neither angry nor fatuous. He added shortly, â€Å"Elena is dying. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Midnight Chapter 30 or any similar topic only for you Order Now †The last three words seemed to affect Stefan particularly, although Elena couldn’t parse them. Stefan wasn’t moving, just breathing hard, his eyes wide. â€Å"Bonnie and I have been gathering hay and fuel and we’re All right.†â€Å"You’ve been exercising – moving about – wearing clothes that kept you warm. She’s been dunked in ice water and sitting Still – high up in the wind. I got the other thurg to break off wood from the dead trees around here and try it on the fire. Now get the hel in, Stefan, and give her some body warmth, or I’m going to make her a vampire.†â€Å"Nnn,†Elena tried to say, but Stefan didn’t seem to understand. Damon, however, said, â€Å"Don’t worry. He’s going to warm you up from the other side. You won’t have to become a vampire just yet. For God’s sake,†he added suddenly, explosively, â€Å"some prince you picked!†Stefan’s voice was quiet and tense. â€Å"You tried putting her in a thermal envelope?†â€Å"Of course I tried, you idiot! No magic works beyond the Mirror except telepathy.†Elena had no sense of time going by, but suddenly there was a familiar body pressed against hers from the other side. And somewhere directly in her mind: Elena? Elena? You’re All right, aren’t you, Elena? I don’t care whether you’re playing a joke on me. But you’re real y All right, aren’t you? Just tell me that, love. Elena wasn’t able to answer at all. Dimly, fragments of sound came to her ears: â€Å"Bonnie†¦on top of her and†¦pack ourselves back on either side.†And dul feelings stirred her sense of touch: a smal body, almost weightless, like a thick blanket, pressing down on her. Someone sobbing, tears dripping on her neck from above. And warmth on either side. I’m asleep with the other kittens, she thought, dozing. Maybe we’l have a nice dream. â€Å"I wish we could know how they’re doing,†Meredith said, on a pause from one of her pacing bouts. â€Å"I wish they knew how we’re doing,†Matt said wearily as he taped another note card amulet onto a window. And another. â€Å"Do you know, my dears, I kept hearing a child crying last night in my dreams,†Mrs. Flowers said slowly. Meredith turned, startled. â€Å"So did I! Right out on the front porch, it sounded like. But I was too tired to get up.†â€Å"It might mean something – or nothing at all.†Mrs. Flowers frowned. She was boiling tap water for tea. The electricity was sporadic. Matt and Saber had driven back to the boardinghouse earlier that day so that Matt could gather Mrs. Flowers’s most important instruments – her herbs for teas, compresses, and poultices. He hadn’t had the heart to tel her about the state of the boardinghouse, or what those maggot malach had done to it. He’d had to find a loose board from the garage to get from the hal to the kitchen. There was no third floor anymore and very little second. At least he hadn’t run into Shinichi. â€Å"What I’m saying is that maybe there’s some real kid out there,†Meredith said. â€Å"At night alone? Sounds like a Shinichi zombie,†Matt said. â€Å"Maybe. But maybe not. Mrs. Flowers, do you have any idea of when you hear the crying? Early in the night or late?†â€Å"Let me think, dear. It seems to me that I hear it whenever I wake up – and old people wake up quite frequently.†â€Å"I usual y hear it toward the morning – but I usual y sleep without dreaming for the first few hours and wake up early.†Mrs. Flowers turned to Matt. â€Å"What about you, Matt, dear? Do you ever hear a sound like crying?†Matt, who deliberately overworked himself these days to try to get a solid six hours of sleep at night, said, â€Å"I’ve heard the wind kind of moaning and sobbing around midnight, I guess.†â€Å"It sounds as if we have an al -night ghost, my dears,†Mrs. Flowers said calmly and poured them each a mug of tea. Matt saw Meredith glance at him uneasily – but Meredith didn’t know Mrs. Flowers as well as he did. â€Å"You don’t real y think it’s a ghost,†he said now. â€Å"No, I don’t. Ma ma hasn’t said a word about it, and then it’s your house, Matt, dear. No gruesome murders or hideous secrets in its past, I should think. Let me see†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She shut her eyes and let Matt and Meredith go on with their tea. Then she opened her eyes and gave them a puzzled smile. â€Å"Ma ma says ‘search the house for your ghost. Then listen well to what it has to say.'†â€Å"Okay,†Matt said poker-faced. â€Å"Since it’s my house, I guess I’d better search for it. But when? Should I set an alarm?†â€Å"I think the best way would be to arrange a watch rota,†Mrs. Flowers said. â€Å"Okay,†Meredith agreed promptly. â€Å"I’l take the middle watch, from midnight to four; Matt can have the first one; and Mrs. Flowers, you can have the early-morning one, and get a nap in the afternoon if you want.†Matt felt uneasy. â€Å"Why don’t we just break it up into two watches and the two of you can share one? I’l take the other.†â€Å"Because, dear Matt,†Meredith said, â€Å"we don’t want to be treated like ‘ladies.’And don’t argue†– she hefted the fighting stave – â€Å"because I’m the one with the heavy equipment.†Something was shaking the room. Shaking Matt with it. Stillhalf-asleep, he put his hand under his pil ow and pul ed out the revolver. A hand grabbed it and he heard a voice. â€Å"Matt! It’s me, Meredith! Wake up, wil you?†Groggily, Matt reached for the lamp switch. Again, strong, slim cold fingers prevented him from doing what he wanted. â€Å"No light,†Meredith whispered. â€Å"It’s very faint, but if you come with me quietly, you can hear it. The crying.†That woke Matt up the rest of the way. â€Å"Right now?†â€Å"Right now.†Doing his best to walk quietly through the dark hal s, Matt fol owed Meredith to the downstairs living room. â€Å"Sh!†Meredith warned. â€Å"Listen.†Matt listened. He could hear some sobbing All right, and maybe some words, but they didn’t sound al that ghostly to him. He put his ear to the wal and listened. The crying was louder. â€Å"Do we have a flashlight?†Matt asked. â€Å"I have two, my dears. But this is a very dangerous time of night.†Mrs. Flowers was a shadow against darkness. â€Å"Please give the flashlights to us,†said Matt. â€Å"I don’t think our ghost is very supernatural. What time is it, anyway?†â€Å"About twelve forty A.M.,†Meredith answered. â€Å"But why do you think it isn’t supernatural?†â€Å"Because I think it’s living in our basement,†Matt said. â€Å"I think it’s Cole Reece. The kid who ate his guinea pig.†Ten minutes later, with the stave, two flashlights, and Saber, they had caught their ghost. â€Å"I didn’t mean anything bad,†Cole sobbed, when they had lured him upstairs with promises of candy and â€Å"magic†tea that would let him sleep. â€Å"I didn’t hurt anything, honest,†he choked, wolfing down Hershey bar after Hershey bar from their emergency rations. â€Å"I’m scared that he’s onto me. Because after you hit me with that sticky note, I haven’t been able to hear him in my head anymore. And then you came here†– he gestured around Matt’s house – â€Å"and you had amulets and I figured it would be better to stay inside them. Or it could be my Last Midnight too.†He was babbling. But something about the last words made Matt say, â€Å"What do you mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢your Last Midnight too’?†Cole looked at him in terror. The rim of melted Hershey bar around his lips made Matt remember the last time he’d seen the boy. â€Å"You know, don’t you?†Cole faltered. â€Å"About the midnights? The countdown? Twelve days til the Last Midnight? Eleven days til the Last Midnight? And now†¦tonight is one day til the Last Midnight†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He began to sob again, even while cramming chocolate into his mouth. It was clear that he was starving. â€Å"But what happens on the Last Midnight?†Meredith asked. â€Å"You know, don’t you? That that’s the time when†¦ you know.†Maddeningly Cole seemed to think they were testing him. Matt put his hands on Cole’s shoulders, and to his horror felt bones under his fingers. The kid really was starving, he thought, forgiving him al the Hershey bars. His eyes met Mrs. Flowers’s eyes and she immediately went to the kitchen. But Cole wasn’t answering; he was mumbling incoherently. Matt forced himself to apply pressure to those bony shoulders. â€Å"Cole, talk louder! What’s this Last Midnight about?†â€Å"You know. That’s when†¦al the kids†¦ you know, they wait up and at midnight†¦they get knives or guns. You know. And we go into our parents’room while they’re asleep and†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Cole broke down again, but Matt noticed he had slipped into saying â€Å"we†and â€Å"our†by the end. Meredith spoke in her calm, steady voice. â€Å"The children are going to kil their parents, is that right?†â€Å"He showed us where to slash or stab. Or if there’s a gun – â€Å" Matt had heard enough. â€Å"You can stay – in the basement,†he said. â€Å"And here are some amulets. Put them on you if you feel like you’re in danger.†He gave Cole a whole packet of Post-it Notes. â€Å"Just don’t be afraid,†Meredith added, as Mrs. Flowers came in with a plate of sausages and fried potatoes for Cole. At any other time the smel would have made Matt hungry. â€Å"It’s just like that island in Japan,†he said. â€Å"Shinichi and Misao made it happen there, and they’re going to do it again.†â€Å"I say time’s running out. Actual y it’s already the Last Midnight day – it’s nearly one thirty in the morning,†Meredith said. â€Å"We have less than twenty-four hours. We should either get out of Fel ‘s Church or do something to arrange a confrontation.†â€Å"A confrontation? Without Elena or Damon or Stefan?†Matt said. â€Å"We’l be murdered. Don’t forget Sheriff Mossberg.†â€Å"He didn’t have this.†Meredith tossed the fighting stave into the air, caught it neatly, and put it at her side. Matt shook his head. â€Å"Shinichi wil Stillkil you. Or some little kid wil , with the semi-automatic from Daddy’s closet.†â€Å"We have to do something.†Matt thought. His head was pounding. Final y he said, head lowered, â€Å"When I got the herbs I got Misao’s star bal , too.†â€Å"You’re kidding. Shinichi still didn’t find it?†â€Å"No. And maybe we could do something with it.†Matt looked at Meredith, who looked at Mrs. Flowers. Mrs. Flowers said, â€Å"What about pouring out the liquid in different places in Fel ‘s Church? Just a drop here and a drop there? We could ask the Power in it to protect the town. Maybe it would listen.†Meredith said, â€Å"That was the exact reason we wanted to get Shinichi’s and Misao’s star bal s in the first place. The star bal s control their owners, according to legend.†Matt said, â€Å"It may be old-ways thinking, but I agree.†Meredith said, â€Å"Then let’s do it right now.†While the other two waited, Matt got Misao’s star bal . It had a very, very little liquid on the bottom. â€Å"After the Last Midnight she plans to fil it to the top with the energy of the new lives that get taken,†Meredith said. â€Å"Well, she’s not going to get a chance to do that,†Matt said flatly. â€Å"When we’re done we’l destroy the container.†â€Å"But we probably should hurry,†Meredith added. â€Å"Let’s get some weapons together: something silver, something long and heavy, like a fire iron. Shinichi’s little zombies are not going to be happy – and who knows who’s on his side?†How to cite The Return: Midnight Chapter 30, Essay examples
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