Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Causes and Effects of Gender Imbalance in Asia
The Causes and Effects of Gender Imbalance in Asia By Tom Farrer Throughout this paper I will focus on the phenomenon of the gender imbalance in Asia. I will begin by assessing the current situation and researching the various causes which have led to it. I shall then analyse the possible consequences to follow and conclude with an outlook to the future. According to the United Nations the recommended sex ratio at birth (SRB) for a country is 107, meaning that for every 100 females born, 107 males are born . The average SRB for industrialised countries lies between 104 and 106 , therefore looking at the figures for many Asian countries, we can see that something is clearly wrong. With many countries where the SRB is well above average,†¦show more content†¦One of his more well-known inventions is the ultra-sound machine used for foetus scanning. Coming into widespread use throughout Asia in the mid-1980s, this machine enabled families to find out the sex of their unborn child and is therefore held responsible, to a considerable extent, for the gender imbalance. In order to combat the obvious effects of the ultra-sound machine, the Chinese government has since prohibited its use for non-medical sex identification (see the second section of the table below ), as has the Indian government in the â€Å"Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act†(1994). Nevertheless, despite the prohibition of non-medical sex identification and abortion in China, the floating and rural population and corruption among medical practices has made enforcing these laws difficult. The situation is similar in India, where illegal sex identification has become a lucrative business, despite the three year jail sentence for those found out. As in China, this punishment is also very difficult to enforce and, especially in rural areas, is often ignored by local police altogether. Therefore, the Chinese government has introduced different initiatives to combat the gender imbalance, one of which is the â€Å"Care For Girls†Campaign. Starting with a pilot scheme in C haohu, Anhui Province in 2000, the government established specialised organisations, offeredShow MoreRelatedThe Global Problem Of Gender Imbalance1273 Words  | 6 Pages163 million women are missing in Asia, but no one is looking for them. These missing women were victims of sex-selective abortions, pushed onto the Asian population by a patriarchal society in a way to control population growth. Mara Hvistendahl’s â€Å"Missing: 163 Million Women†focuses on the causes, consequences, and global implications of the gender imbalance in congruence with sharing of local practices. 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